The entire coursework has to be presented on Wix, neither of us were familiar with the website and in turn we had to learn how to use it, we found it was very unreliable and the
At we needed to save work in a word document before saving putting it onto the website as a procautionary measure. -
One of the other things we learnt how to use was the lighting equipment, as we were filming on location we could only use the spot lights however we looked at creating a shadow effect while also brightening the shot enough to make it visible.
It allowed us to realise how much light was needed to brighten up a shot so it was visible when seen through the camera -
We learnt how to use the Panasonic video cameras, we learnt how to use the focus on the cameras effectively along with how to change the lighting levels and how to use it as a steady cam.
This allowed us to create many of the effects within our piece like some of the tracking but more importantly showed us the limitations of how we can use our equipment when creating the opening -
Tripods and Dolly
While having prior knowledge with tripods we learnt how to use the colleges models safely and effectively, neither of us had used a dolly before meaning we had to learnt how to use it, while transportation was a limiting factor the shots we got from the dolly made the peice seem much more professional due to the steadiness of the camera. -
Editing Software
We also used premier to edit the opening together, while we are more familiar with I movie we though the effects we could use in premier would make the piece a lot better.
The overall interface of premier made the process much quicker and easier also with the ability to have multiple lines of sound rather then just a foreground and background made editing in all the part much easier. -
Editing Techniques
We added filters to the piece which I haven't done before as it makes the piece look unprofessional however in this instance it works as it highlights the idea of a backflash and is only used temporarily. We also used separately recorded sound files which we hadn't attempted before. We thought the inner monologue would work better for the piece and allowed us to showcase a different skill while not having to work about recording sound on our shoots -
Title Card
We also use photoshop for the title card this was because of the tools at our disposal and had the easiest interface to use. Over the last few moths I have greatly improve my photoshop ability from being able to barley crop an image to now being able to make cohesive designs
Photoshops tools and functions are the most user friendly so while I could have created the the same effect at home with a variety of different programmes it was quicker and more effective to further my skills in photoshop -
We learnt due to our lack of knowledge on lighting we would need to shoot a few of the shots again due to the lighting being so low, this allowed us to fix anything wrong with shot shots along with changing the shot list, this improved our overall cinimaography. -
Evaluation Questions
For the evaluation we used a range of different websites including prezi and powtoon, this widened our skills in a variety of different presentation mediums. We also to present in a variety of different ways to show our creativity so some pieces were done on presention platforms while others were done with moving image -
Our overall production skills have improved being able to take a product from start to finish Personally I found I've greatly improved my leadership skills being able to lead a team of crew when shooting the production as well as managing to keep everyone on track to ensure we filmed quickly and efficiently.
I've also notices a large improvement in communication skills as I've been able to talks with colleagues about the work to get more ideas and suggestions on how to improve it further. -
Next time I would like to improve on the editing of the work, with more time on premier we could have made the piece even better, also I would have liked to have better lighting, we only had small lights available to us making it harder to create the effects we wanted.