Evaluation Question 3: How did you use media technologies in the construction and research and planning and evaluation stages ?
By konstancjaaa
Period: to
Reasearch, planning and evaluating stages.
The time line which the process of the development of research, planning and evaluating stages. -
Reasearch music video theories.
Reasearch into Music Video. With the use of youtube and we looked out for differnt media theories which we were later asked to demanstrate the new knowledge in a blog post. -
YOUGOV audience reasearch
YouGov Blog Post. To continue the process of research we simplified the genres which we wanted to make into a music vido and looked into one specific music video to allow to see further reasearch into througov which is a website database where it simplifies information. -
reasearch demonstrated on blogger
Using Blogger continued my reasearch into the music video industry by looking at props, synergy and lip syncing practise for the final musio video product. Linking back to the genre of our choice we had activities along the lines of both main stream and independent work. -
Online Storyboarding.
After the pencil illustration for the pitch using an online website we decided to make a clearer digital version. This allows people to all interpret the concept clearer and no one in our group felt like there artistic skills couls present the concept well enough. -
Instagram account @arcticgaze
The Social Media Which we have chosen to majorly focus on is instagram. This links back to the original band who posts far more frequently on Instgram than any other social media. They focus strongly on the arts. -
our Twitter account @arctic_gaze
The second social media we created was twitter. This however was more of an updating tool for the teachers to know what's happening during each shoot. This however would be used as promotion of events coming up for the band. -
Development of the Pitch.
In the span of 2 weeks, my group and I split our pitch roles and collected selected fragments of the music video onto blogger and later collected and placed it into one after the feedback one emaze being majory about the disorganisation. -
Filming with External equipemnt.
Using the canon 700d and external iphone monitored iphone stabilser from a internship with allowed the video to be given a smooth shot and easier ability to transition from each clip. -
Tim's Voice over.
In the beginning stages of the music video we were hoping to use a monologue at the begging or at the end of the music video to add an extra layer of narrative into the music video. -
Behind the Scene Recordings.
During the Music Video recording we also reccorded the behind the scenes to later edit it together as an addition task that could be also used in the music video development. -
Editing the rough cut with Premier
All of the footage we'd compiled over the course of the half term was all imported into Adobe Premiere Pro on our first three hour lesson back and so by the end of that lesson each clip had been named, sorted, put on the timeline and we started syncing the base tracks to the music. -
Adding effects with aftereffects.
In after effects we sped up our time lapse and amde the head lights of the cars softer greating a smooter look. We also mad ethe clips black and white allowing them to transition from one to another better. -
Editing DigiPak
Using Photoshop I created the Digipack which allowes me to give a professional touch onto the Digipak. -
Using Wix to create website.
I chose to use wix to create a simplistic style website.
This was done by an already made templaate and changed the colours andn stle.