Evolution of NFL Rules.

  • Passing over the line of scrimmage.

    Passing over the line of scrimmage.
    The NFL banned passing the ball over the line of scrimmage.
  • Pass interference.

    Pass interference.
    The NFL restricted defenders hitting the receivers down the field now they can only do it behind the 5 yard line.
  • First ever kickoff.

    First ever kickoff.
    First ever kickoff even kickoff from the 40 yard Line.
  • Kickoff change 2.

    Kickoff change 2.
    They moved the kickoff to the 30 yard line.
  • Illegal 3 man block.

    Illegal 3 man block.
    They banned a 3 man formation on the kickoff.
  • Kickoff change 3.

    Kickoff change 3.
    They moved the kickoff to the 35 yard line.
  • Helmet to Helmet hit.

    Helmet to Helmet hit.
    The NFL does not allow helmet to helmet truck anymore.