Evaluation Of Media And Gaming

By Alikhan
  • Radio Is Invented

    Radio Is Invented
    The 1920 era was after the World war 1, because of this, many people were bored and unoccupied. 1920, a huge event was that radios were now made and available for buying. Between the 1923 and 1930, over 60% of Americans owned radios. Most families would gather together to listen to the radio as a bonding activity. One of the most popular broadcasting channels was KDKA and many people listened to this channel. Fun fact, you could buy a radio for 35$ but a higher quality one could cost up to 350$
  • Period: to

    Evaluation Of Media And Gaming

  • Computer Programmed To Do Math Problems

    Computer Programmed To Do Math Problems
    In the 1930s, a British man named Alan Turing created a machine that had the capability to accept and and solve math problems. Alan Turing who was known as a hero in the WW2 because o his incredible code breaking skills. He was the man to crack the enigma machine back in World War 2 made by the Germans. Aside from using it to crack the enigma machines, Turning also used the machine to solve very intense math equations.
  • Television Is Now A House held Item

    Television Is Now A House held Item
    In the 1950s, Televisions were starting to make their way into many houses. They were way more affordable and easier to find. It states on Encylopedia.com that in 1950, there were about 5 million sets sold, which is a very huge jump and it was hard to believe because in the years prior, like 1946, only 7000 sets were sold, in 1948, 172,000 sets were sold, and just in another three years, they sold over 5 million which was a huge jump. Also, only 20% of American homes owned tv sets.
  • Internet Is Created

    Internet Is Created
    During the 1950s, the tv was created, but in the upcoming decade, a new thing called the internet was created. I believe it was created to stream videos, show better tv shows and run programs faster. The internet was mainly created for university studies, the military, the government and the U.S.' secret service. The first type of internet was established in late 1960 to run multiple computers and laptops on one network. This would be beneficial for the government to run multiple tasks at once.
  • The First Nintendo Console

    The First Nintendo Console
    On July 15, 1983, Nintendo released its first-ever gaming console. This console was a huge step in the gaming industry and was an item that everyone dreamed of. Everyone wanted one because it was a new and improved way to play. Before this, it was either sports or hanging out with friends but this was the new thing. The Nintendo Entertainment System was an 8-bit video game console that featured games like Legend of Zelda, and Metroid. These games started what was going to be a success.
  • Super Nintendo Entertainment System

    Super Nintendo Entertainment System
    The Super Nintendo Entertainment System was the second console Nintendo came out with. This console was better because it was no longer an 8-bit gaming console, it was now a 16-bit gaming console. Many of the best and popular games that were played on this console were Super Metroid, Legend Of Zelda: Link to the Past, Final Fantasy, Super Mario World and many more. The Super Nintendo Entertainment System, aka, The Super NES came out on November 21, 1990, and had million sold.
  • First PlayStation Device Is Released

    First PlayStation Device Is Released
    On December 3, 1994, the incredible PlayStation 1 was released in Japan. This device was the first of many upcoming PlayStation that would eventually be sold worldwide.The PlayStation costed about $100 US at launch day, and they sold over 102.4 million copies of it. Because it was the first of its kinds there were many flaws, such as bad graphics, which was obvious, it had quite a few games but only a few good ones, such as bandicoot, and ridge racer.
  • Nintendo 64

    Nintendo 64
    The Nintendo 64 came out on September 29, 1996, this console was commonly called the N64 for short. The N64 was Nintendo's third video game console, since it was 2 years after the PlayStation 1, these two companies, Sony, and Nintendo competed with a lot of people. The N64 featured many games that still run to this day, such as super smash bros, The Legend Of Zelda Series, Golden Eye 007, Mario Kart 64 and many more.
  • Social Media

    Social Media
    during the 21st century, social media becomes huge part of everyone's lives and social media apps are widespread, most of the population owns the technology and billions of people have social media apps. Nowadays, apps like Instagram and Snapchat are popular, but back in 2002, Myspace was everything. Myspace was a social media app for sharing your accomplishments and posting it to the public. It was mainly used by people who were part of bands and such to spread their existence.
  • PlayStation 2 Is Released

    PlayStation 2 Is Released
    PlayStation 2 was the second of its kind, the PS1 before it was good at the time, but now, the play Station 2 was on everyone's mind. The PS2 was way better than the PS1, better graphics, more storage, more aesthetic, and overall, a better console. The console was released March 4, 2000, and sold over 155 million copies. The best selling game on the PS2 was GTA San Andreas and was played by many. Fun Fact, the PS2, was the best selling console to this day, and no other console has done better.
  • Nintendo Game Cube

    Nintendo Game Cube
    The Nintendo Game Cube was the Fourth addition to the Nintendo series which did very, very well. We already acknowledged that the Nintendo 64 was a great competitor with the PlayStation 2, but the Nintendo Game cube had a completion, which was the PlayStation 2. Of course, we will talk about the PlayStation another time and at the moment, the Nintendo Cube is what we are talking about. This gaming device sold over 21 million units and was the first Nintendo device to use physical discs.
  • The First XBOX Is Released

    The First XBOX Is Released
    As PlayStation was going up in sales and making tons of money, Xbox, decided to do the same thing and make their own console. In 2001, Microsoft came out with their own console called the XBOX. This console costed $300 and sold over 24 million units. Since it was the first of its kind, it didn't really have many games and there were many faults in the system. There was very bad storage. One of the games that did very well though was Halo, this game still runs to this day and is doing very well.
  • The PSP

    The PSP
    We have all heard of PlayStation's and PS1, and PS2, but have you heard of the PSP. PSP stood for PlayStation Portable and was a completely different build the the former PlayStation's.This device was handheld and was small enough to carry around unlike the former Stations. You could put this device in a small pouch to take to your friends, you could use it at home, it was an incredible device that everyone wanted. The PSP was released on March 4, 2005 and sold 80.82 million copies.
  • XBOX 360

    XBOX 360
    The first Xbox was a trial but in 2005, November 22, Microsoft came out with a second-generation Xbox. This one was way better and really redeemed them by all the good games they added and the upgrade in storage. This console sold over 84 million copies, which was a huge jump from the previous one. This came out around the same time as the PlayStation 3, just 1 year earlier. Having this one do way better than the previous, they knew what to improve on the upcoming ones to make them even better.
  • PlayStation 3 Has Been Released

    PlayStation 3 Has Been Released
    November 11, 2006, was the day when the PS3 was released. This was the new an improved PlayStation, up to date and had way more features, and upgraded features then the previous ones. It had an internal hard drive, this was nice because the PlayStation 1 and PlayStation 2 has external hard drives, it had a better library than the PS2, although it had less games, all the games it did have, were overall better than the PS2 games. Two of the best games on the PS3 were, GTA V, and The Last Of Us.
  • WII

    The Wii came out in 2006, November 19 and was the biggest upgrade Nintendo has made yet. This console competed against the PlayStation 3 and the Xbox 360, and during this time, there were many new gamers. This gaming console featured a hand-held, motion-controlled remote which was moveable with hand gestures, this was really different because the competitors all used controllers. This console required high internet connections to work at the best potential. This console was also multiplayer.
  • Wii U

    Wii U
    The Wii U was a huge change in Nintendos console. It sold 100 million and came out on November 18, 2012. The Wii-U was a tablet-like controller that was very portable but not pocket carryable. The Wii-U was a very unique device. It could run with multiple controllers online, and offline. You would have a console separate that would run the games that you were playing and the Handheld tablet was something the main player would use. It also had a mini screen that caused you to have an advantage.
  • The PlayStation 4

    The PlayStation 4
    Sony was back at it again, releasing the 4th generation of the PlayStation on November 15, 2013. This was bigger and way, way better, including a internal hard drive of 500 to 1 terabyte of storage, a wireless controller, a mono headset, an HDMI cable, power cable and a USB cable. This was the first PlayStation to include a wired headset. The PS1, PS2, and PS3 all didn't have much storage, and each game would vary from 2 gigabytes to 5-10. In the PS4, you could get a game up to 150 Gigabytes!
  • XBOX One

    XBOX One
    After the Xbox 360, came the Xbox one. This Xbox was special because it had three different types of itself. The Xbox One, Xbox One S, and the Xbox one X. These three were very similar and had lots in common except one was better than the other. Also, they all came at different times. I will mainly talk about the Xbox one on this slide. The plain Xbox one cost was $499 and came out on November 22, 2013. This one was better than the previous two but there was still lots of room for improvement.
  • Xbox One S

    Xbox One S
    The Xbox One was the base model of the upcoming there versions. The Xbox One S was the next in line. This one costed $299 and was released to the public on August 2, 2016. The most popular game on the Xbox One, Xbox One S and the third one was Call Of Duty Black Ops Three. This game did very well and is still for sale in stores to this day. The Xbox One S made minor upgrades such as adding a bit more megahertz to improve game quality and better running; the rest was the same.
  • Nintendo Switch

    Nintendo Switch
    The most recent device Nintendo has come out with is the Nintendo Switch. This Is easily the best console for Nintendo to release. This is because the Nintendo witch was first of all very portable, you could take it to a park to play with your friends, you could connect this with the Wii-U to have more players play wt once and it had many more features that made it superior. The Switch had detachable controllers that were built on the device itself. The best game it had was Mario Kart 3d.
  • Xbox One X

    Xbox One X
    The Xbox One S was the second version of the Xbox One series, now, it was time for the Xbox One X. The most improved and best one to buy. This game console costed $499 and came out on November 7, 2017. This one was the best because it had the most capabilities when put up against the others. It had even more megahertz, 1172, it had 12 GB of ram, whereas the Xbox One S has only 8, and it had much-increased storage, which meant more area to download and enjoy more games.
  • Xbox Series X

    Xbox Series X
    The Xbox Series X is the most current version of the Xbox. This one is a high competitor of the PS5 and this really puts competition on the market. The Xbox Series X is for $499 and it came out only a few days ago, on November 10, 2020. This console has 1550 Megahertz of data and runs super clean and fast. It has more storage than the past Xbox's, it has 1 Terrabyte of storage for the base model and you can add more but attaching hard drives using the multiple USB ports included on the Xbox.
  • The Most Recent PlayStation

    The Most Recent PlayStation
    The PlayStation 5 came out a few days ago, its been quite a while since Sony has released a console, 7 years to be exact. including an 875 gigabyte internal hard drive in the base model, this is very impressive because the most the have gotten before this was 500 and 1 terabyte to be that max. The new PlayStation is said to be the best so far, and in my opinion, I think it will do better than the PS2, this is because all of them are already sold out worldwide.