European Wars of Religion

  • 1555

    Peace of Augsburg

    Peace of Augsburg
    The Peace of Augsburg was a treaty signed to conclude the religious arguments by allowing emperors to choose whether they want their state to be Lutheranism or Roman Catholicism. However, if you are among that state and you believe otherwise you shall move out of that region. At the end, the treaty ended religious tension between the two groups and made Christianity legally permanent in the Roman Empire.
  • Period: 1562 to

    French Wars of Religion

    The Wars of Religion lasted for 36 years beginning as conflicts and tension in France rose between Protestants and Roman Catholics. Their was an increasing spread of French Calvinism in which made Catherine de Médicis to show more tolerance for the Huguenots. However, the Roman Catholics became very angry and didn't agree, opposing on this idea. Therefore, the two religions fought to settle this out, as they believe differently in social and cultural categories.
  • 1572

    Bartholomew’s Day Massacre

    Bartholomew’s Day Massacre
    The Bartholomew’s Day Massacre was an invasion of assassinations called by Catherine de Medici to oppose against the Huguenots. The massacre began just as there had been a plot twist against the crown and instead of just killing off the Huguenots, the attack caused to rebuild the tension between the Roman Catholics and Huguenots. For example, some Huguenot men were stabbed to death and thrown out their bedroom windows, and women and children were killed and thrown into the River Seine.
  • Edicts of Nantes

    Edicts of Nantes
    The Edicts of Nantes freed France Calvinist Protestants, Huguenots, from persecution, allowing them to have the ability to have substantial civil rights. For example, they were allowed to house public worships all around the kingdom, access to education, and establishing a court known as, Chambre de l’Édit, used to settle out any rising conflicts from the edicits. Also, the edict allowed the restoring of Catholic religion in places where it had earlier been shut down.
  • Period: to

    30 Years War

    The 30 Years War was series of wars among a 30 year span fighting against religion, dynastic, territorial, and commercial rivalries. The wars began as the emperor of Bohemia, Ferdinand II, tried to force the religion of Roman Catholic absolutism on his people, and they fired back becoming rebellious upon him as they disagreed. The wars were pretty much all over Europe to all countries. The war then later ended as the Treaty of Westphalia was signed.
  • Treaty of Westphalia

    Treaty of Westphalia
    The Treaty of Westphalia was signed ending the 30 Years War, as it was a name for the two collectivity treaties signed in 1648. As of result, Netherlands gained independence from Spain, Sweden become the Western Power gaining control of Baltic and France, the Holy Roman Empire was broken, and Germany got to decide to religion the people of their land practiced.