
European Union Timeline

  • World War II

    World War II
    World War II was a global conflict that went from 1939-1945. It consumed all of Europe into a war with each other devastating the Continent.
  • Potsdam Conference

    Potsdam Conference
    This conference was held right after the war which dictated that Germany was to be separated into 4 zones under control of the United States, France, United Kingdom, and Soviet Union
  • Formation of NATO

    Formation of NATO
    The North Atlantic Treaty Organization also known as NATO, was an alliance established by the United States and a plethora of Western European Countries establishing unity and cooperation between them.
  • The Schuman Plan

    The Schuman Plan
    Plan established by Robert Schuman which was to organize Europe into a more united continent. Robert Schuman is considered the father of the European Union
  • European Defense Community

    European Defense Community
    Europe came together for a defensive treaty among them establishing Europe as a more unified body.
  • Warsaw Pact Created

    Warsaw Pact Created
    The Warsaw Pact was created by the Soviet Union and many other countries in Eastern Europe under the control of the Soviet Union. This alliance in retaliation of NATO put Western Europe under potential threat which brought them closer together.
  • European Economic Community

    European Economic Community
    This was an establishment of an economic link across Europe that helped unify the continent ever so closer to the establishment of the European Union.
  • Treaty of Brussels

    Treaty of Brussels
    United all the different treaties and establishments of Europe into a more unified body inching ever closer into the European Union
  • Single European Act

    This act revised the Treaty of Rome and brought the member nations of Western Europe closer together.