European Union Timeline

  • End of World War II

    End of World War II
    End of WWII and start of the Cold War between USA (capitalism) and Sovietic Union (communism).
  • Reconcilation between France and West Germany (capitalist).

    Reconcilation between France and West Germany (capitalist).
  • European Coal and Steal Community (ECSC).

    European Coal and Steal Community (ECSC).
    6 countries were part of the ECSC: Italy, BENELUX (Belgium, Netherlands and Luxemburg), France and Germany.
  • Treaty of Rome

    Treaty of Rome
    • European Economic Community (EEC): Free movements of workers and Cmmunity Agriculture Police.
    • European Atomic Energy Community (EURATOM).
  • Creation of the Berlin Wall.

    Creation of the Berlin Wall.
  • Merger Treaty

    Merger Treaty
    The three European Communities (EEC, ECSC and EURATOM) merge.
  • From six countries to nine

    From six countries to nine
    The UK, Iceland and Dinamarc jointhe Merger treaty.
  • Greece joins the EU.

    Greece joins the EU.
  • Two new members: Spain and Portugal

    Two new members: Spain and Portugal
  • Reunified Germany

    Reunified Germany
  • Maastricht treaty

    Maastricht treaty
    It is an important milestone, setting clear rules for the future single currency, for foreign and security policy and for closer cooperation in justice and home affairs.
  • The European Union is officially created

    The European Union is officially created
  • 3 new memebers: Austria, Sweden and Finland

    3 new memebers: Austria, Sweden and Finland
  • Borderless circulation begins

    Borderless circulation begins
    Schengen Agreement in seven countries: Germany, Belgium, France, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Portugal. Travelers can move between all these countries without passport controls at the borders.
  • Amsterdam treaty

    Amsterdam treaty
    The European Union is based on the principles of freedom, democracy, respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms and the rule of law.
  • Creation of Euro, European Central Bank

    Creation of Euro, European Central Bank
  • Nice treaty

    Nice treaty
    Its aim is to reform the institutions so that the EU can function effectively
  • Circulation of the euro (€) in Europe.

    Circulation of the euro (€) in Europe.
  • 10 new countries

    10 new countries
    Cyprus and Malta join the EU together with eight Central and Eastern European countries (Czechia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland) ending the division of Europe after World War II.
  • Lisbon treaty

    Lisbon treaty
    It is designed to make the EU more democratic, efficient, transparent and capable of tackling global challenges such as climate change, security and sustainable development.
  • Bulgaria and Romania join the EU

    Bulgaria and Romania join the EU
  • World Economic crisis

    World Economic crisis
    The problems with the mortgage loans in the United States begin. Various European banks are also experiencing difficulties.
  • Croatia, the 28th country of the EU

    Croatia, the 28th country of the EU
  • Terrorists strike in Europe

    Terrorists strike in Europe
    Several European cities, including Paris, Brussels, Nice, Berlin, London and Barcelona, ​​become targets of terrorist attacks.
  • More than a million people apply for asylum in Europe

    More than a million people apply for asylum in Europe
    Many of them are fleeing the civil war in Syria and need international protection.
  • Agreement in Paris on climate change

    Agreement in Paris on climate change
  • European Green Deal

    European Green Deal
    A new Commission takes office with its eyes firmly fixed on making Europe climate neutral by 2050 through a new growth strategy.
  • UK leaves the EU

    UK leaves the EU
  • COVID-19 pandemic

    COVID-19 pandemic