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European Union’s Timeline

  • End of Word War II (WWII)

    End of Word War II (WWII)
    The WWII ends with Germany broke in West Germany or Federal Republic of Germany (capitalist) and East Germany or Democratic Republic of Germany (communist).
  • Marshall Plan

    Marshall Plan
    The Cold War between USA and the URSS begins. So the USA starts the Marshall Plan that consist in helping economically capitalist countries of Europe.
  • Franco-German reconciliation.

    Franco-German reconciliation.
    The France’s minister of foreign affairs offers a reconciliation to West German, to share some steel and coal that they were fighting all the time.
  • Coal and Steel Community (CSC)

    Coal and Steel Community (CSC)
    The CSC is created by German and France, saying that if someone wants to join, he can do it. So Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg (Benelux) & Italy joins the CSC. There are 6 countries in CSC.
  • Treats of Rome

    Treats of Rome
    The Treats of Rome accords the creation of the European Economic Community (EEC) and the European Atomic Energy Community (EURATOM). The EEC lets the free movement of workers and the CAP, community agriculture policies.
  • Union Request

    Union Request
    United Kingdom (UK), Denmark and Norway tries to join the EEC, getting rejected.
  • Merger Treaties

    Merger Treaties
    The countries signed a treaty which says that, now, there’s only one commission.
  • UK request

    UK request
    UK request join another time, but gets rejected for being ‘a close friend of the USA’.
  • New members

    New members
    Denmark, Ireland and the UK joins the EEC. Now there are 9 members.
  • European Council

    European Council
    Now, there is an European Council.
  • New member

    New member
    Greece joins the European’s institutions.
  • Greenland leaves.

    Greenland leaves.
    When Greenland got it’s independence from Denmark, he left the European Community.
  • New members

    New members
    Spain and Portugal joins the party. Now there are 12 countries.
  • The Fallen of the Berlin’s Wall.

    The Fallen of the Berlin’s Wall.
    With the fallen of the Berlin’s Wall, Now all Germany is united together.
  • Separation of Yugoslavia

    Separation of Yugoslavia
    When Yugoslavia broke, Croatia, Bosnia, Slovenia, Serbia and North Macedonia got it’s independence but they were at war.
  • The URRS falls.

    The URRS falls.
    The URSS falls, because it’s economic got stall. So the USA wins the Cold War. The URSS was broke in Russia, Ukraine, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tayikistan.
  • Maastricht Treat

    Maastricht Treat
    The European Union (EU) is created.
  • New members and Schengen Agreement

    New members and Schengen Agreement
    Austria, Sweden and Finland joins the EU (15 members).
    Now, there is a Schengen Area, which the citizens can pass through the countries without passport, so they eliminate borders.
  • Treaty of Amsterdam

    Treaty of Amsterdam
    Now, the EU is based in democracy, liberty and respect to the human rights.
  • Euro currency

    Euro currency
    In the treaty of Amsterdam they talked about a common currency all countries in EU, so they approved in the next year and, now, there is a European Central Bank.
  • Treaty of Nice

    Treaty of Nice
  • New members

    New members
    Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungry, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Slovenia, Cyprus and Malta joins. (25 members)
  • Treaty of Lisbon and new members

    Treaty of Lisbon and new members
    Romania and Bulgaria joins.
  • International Economic Crisis

    International Economic Crisis
    In all the world, there is now an economic crisis.
  • Economic Aid and Migration Crisis

    Economic Aid and Migration Crisis
    The crisis affected more in Spain, Portugal, Greece, Ireland and Cyprus, so they get an European Aid, Croatia joins and there is a Migration Crisis of people trying to get a new life.
  • Treaty with Turkey and Libia

    Treaty with Turkey and Libia
    The EU signs a treaty with them, because they are the countries that people migrate. And the UK wants to leave the EU (Brexit)
  • Brexit

    The UK leaves the EU