speench by Robert schumann
When the 2 war ended they decided to create a organization to make the European Union stronger.The ideas were presented by Robert schumann, French Minister of Foreign Affairs. -
Six European countries: Belgium, France, Italy, West Germany, Luxenbourg and the Netherlands. Created by European Coal and Steel Comunity (ECSC) -
Teaties of Rome were singned 1957 and 1958
established the European Economic Comunity (EEC) and the European Atomic Energy Comunity (EAEC) -
EEC was enlarged to ten members.
The EU has grown six member countries to twenty-eight. -
EEC was enlarged to twelve Members and Single. European act was signed
Maactricht Treathy came into ford.
The EEC became the European Union. The Mastricht Treaty led to:- In a economic level, a single common market was established. In 2002, the official European currency, the euro.
- In a social lelvel, joint cultural, Education and environmental policies were adopted.
EU enlarged
EU enlarged 15 members -
European bank
The European central bank was founded -
Adoption of tetreaty
The adoption of the treaty of Nice, which came into force in 2003 -
The euro come into circulstion. -
The EU enlarged to twenty-five kekbers -
EU-more members
Eu enlarged to twenty-seven members (2 more members) -
Treaty of lisbon
The Treaty of lisbon carne into force to reform the institutions of the Eu. Some of the reforms were. -
EU-more members
The EU was enlarged to twenty-eight members (one more member)