European Union

By ldf7893
  • Formation of the European Coal and Steel Community

    Formation of the European Coal and Steel Community
    (Day and month unknown)
    The original 6 members of the community were Belgium, France, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and West Germany.These countrys, according to the agreement, would not tax coal and steel from each other.It was thought this would make it nearly impossible to fight with each other because of this agreement.
  • Period: to

    European Union - 1952 to present day

  • Treaty of Rome

    Treaty of Rome
    (day and month unknown)
    The treaty of rome formed the EEC ( Euroean Economic Community), and Eurotom, an atomic energy organization to try to make atomic energy possible.
  • Merger treaty

    Merger treaty
    A treaty signed in 1967 went into effect on july first, which made the three organizations have one leader, effectivly merging them.
  • More countries Join the Union

    Several countries were allowed to join the EEC , them being denmark (including Greenland, which later left the Community in 1985), Ireland, and the United Kingdom
  • Democracy

    The first democratic elections are held for the merged organizations known as the EC ( European Community).
  • Greece joins

    Greece joins
    Greece Joins The EC
  • The Schengen agreement

    This agreement meant that you could go to any EC countries without a passport, you could just walk across the border, but only if you were a citizen of an EC country. Ireland and the UK were excluded from this as the were islands.
  • More members

    Portugal and Spain join the EC
  • single European act signed

    The EC flag begins to be used by some countries, and the single european act is signed.
  • Iron curtain falls

    Iron curtain falls
    The iron curtain and the berlin wall fall, and west germany unites with east germany, becoming part of the EC
  • Maastrich Treaty

    The Maastrich treaty officialy creates the European union.
  • More members

    More members
    Austria, Finland, and Sweden join the EU
  • The Euro

    The Euro
    If you were living near the border of a EU country after the shengen agreement, you had to carry two or three types of money, and it was difficult for people, so the EU created a common currency, the euro. Several countries voted to adopt it almost immediately, and others are thinking of adopting it.
  • More Countrys Join

    Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia, and Slovenia join the EU.
  • more countrys

    Romania and Bulgaria join the EU, and Slovenia adopts the euro.
  • euro

    Cyprus and Malta adopt the euro
  • Nobel Peace prize

    In 2012, the EU received the 2012 Nobel Peace Prize, for "contributed to the advancement of peace and reconciliation, democracy, and human rights in Europe."
  • Lisbon Treaty

    The Lisbon Treaty is signed, which changed the EU's legal structure significantly. It also made a permanet president of the European Union, and strenthened the high representitives power.