
European timeline of Benilux/ Lower countries

  • Jan 1, 1060

    Rule and Control of Luxembourg

    Rule and Control of Luxembourg
    Conrad, descendant of ruler Siegfried and gave himself the title count of Luxembourg. From 15th to 18th centuries France, Spain and Austria held duchy (a territory ruled by duke or duchess and dukedom) in Luxembourg.
  • One of the Great Powers of Europe

    One of the Great Powers of Europe
    The Dutch East India Company was established which then resulted them into being the great sea/colonial powers of Europe.
  • Netherlands Independence

    Netherlands Independence
    Phillip ǁ of Spain in his rule started taking away political liberties and tried to suppress a Protestant movement which resulted in a revolt lead by William the Orange in 1568. 1579 Seven of the northern provinces join together to become the United Provinces of Netherlands under the Union of Utrecht which cause war and conflict with Rome. Not until1648 did Rome recognize their independence.
  • Declaration of Indepence for Belgium

    Declaration of Indepence for Belgium
    Belgium declared independence from Dutch rule(Netherlands) rebelling against the King of Holland because of the opposition of rule.
  • Liberal Constitution

    Liberal Constitution
    A liberal constitute was created which kept the Netherlands united through WW1.
  • Invasion of Germany

    Invasion of Germany
    Germany invades Belgium which helped kick starts WW1. Because of Germany’s invasion the Treaty of Versailles gave Belgium the land of Eupen, Malmedy, and Moresnet.
  • WW2 Invasion of Germany

    WW2 Invasion of Germany
    Germany invades Belgium again during WW2 and takes Leopold 3 prisoner, the king of Belgium at the time.
  • WW2

    Netherlands became involved in WW2 by invasion of Nazi forces and came to be under German occupation. Not until 1945 did the Netherlands gain liberation.
  • Strength in Numbers

    Strength in Numbers
    Luxembourgh joined the Benelux Economic Union and in 1949 joined NATO in the after math of both World Wars in hope for stability.
  • NATO involvement

    NATO involvement
    Netherlands joined NATO in response of both World Wars in hopes of international legal order.
  • Conflict With Belgium Rule

    Conflict With Belgium Rule
    After WW2 Leopold 3 comes back to Belgium, this resulted in riots in several cities. Leopold 3 gave his rule to his son Baudouin, because of growing opposition over Belgian rule in the African colonies Belgium grants independence to the Congo in 1960.
  • EEC

    In response to both World War Netherlands, and other countries strived for stability and joined the European Economic Community to gain economic growth and prosperity.
  • EU

    Luxembourg joins the European Economic Community in hopes for growth finacially after the World Wars.
  • Maastricht Accord

    Maastricht Accord
    Luxembourgh parliment paved way for the EU by approving the Maastricht Accord, this resulted in more stability for the European countries.
  • Division of Regions

    Division of Regions
    Constitution changed to recognise division of country into three administrative regions: Flanders, Wallonia and Brussels, this is because of the divisions of linguistics.
  • Scandal

    A man Marc Dutroux was a Belgian serial killer and child molestor who kidnapped and totured 6 girls, in 2004 his trial caused a widespread scandal reveiling the huge mistake of Belgian police and how if investigations were followed up correctly Dutroux would have been arrested sooner and some of the girls could have been saved. This cause great reform in the judical and police system.
  • Recent Events

    Recent Events
    Karst Tates at 38 tried and failed to assassinate the royal family by driving a car into a crowd at the Queen’s Day parade trying to hit the bus that contained the queen and some of the royal family.
  • King Albert 2

    King Albert 2
    King Albert 2 will leave the throne at the age of 79 due to health reasons, his son Phillipee became the seventh king of Belgium.
  • Jean-Claude Juncker

    Jean-Claude Juncker
    Prime Minister Jean-Claude Juncker resigned because of implication of a spying probe, this ended his term as the longest serving head of government in the EU.
  • Luxembourg Independence

    Luxembourg Independence
    Luxembourg became an independent state when it separated from Charlemagne’s empire(C.E.) after the count of Ardennes became sovereign of.