European Monarchs

  • May 6, 1462

    Ivan III of Russia

    Ivan III of Russia
    5/6/1462- 11/6/1505
    1. Invaded Novgorod
    2. War with Lithuania
    3. Annexed Novgorod, Vyatka, and Tver
    4. Bought Rostov
    Grade: A. He tripled the territory of Russia and renovated the Kremlin. He was the longest reigning Russian rulers in history.
  • Apr 21, 1509

    Henry VIII of England

    Henry VIII of England
    4/21/1509 - 1/28/1547

    1. Act of Supremacy
    2. Six different wives (wanted male heir)
    3. Created Protestant Church to divorce Catherine
    4. Separate Church of England from Roman Catholic Church
    Tudor, six different wives
    Grade: B. He was a very charismatic leader, but he was on the brink of financial disaster constantly, and became very insecure in his later days.
  • Mar 14, 1516

    Charles I of Spain

    Charles I of Spain
    3/14/1516 - 1/16/1556
    Died from malaria
    1. Gave ships to Ferdinand Magellan
    2. Italian Wars vs. France
    3. Fought Protestantism
    4. Colonization of the Americas
    Hapsburg, married to Isabella of Portugal
    Grade: B. He had successfull military and territory expansions, however he was not tolerant of religions.
  • Dec 12, 1533

    Ivan IV of Russia

    Ivan IV of Russia
    12/12/1533 - 1/26/1547
    1. Claimed title of Czar
    2. Expand Russia's borders and its trade
    3. Took a mental descent, turned into a mad ruler
    4. Seized land from 12,000 boyars
    Grade: C. Though he made many reforms and expanded hic country's trade, he became very paranoid and suspicious of his followers. He killed many innocent people, leading to his downfall.
  • Jan 28, 1547

    Edward VI of England

    Edward VI of England
    1/28/1547 - 7/6/1553
    1. Economic problems and social unrest
    2. Many Protestant reforms
    3. Expensive war with Scotland
    4. Transformed Anglican Church into Protestant
    Grade: C. His failing economy caused riots and rebellions. He took great interest into religion (tolerant for the most part).
  • Jul 19, 1553

    Mary I of England

    Mary I of England
    7/19/1553 - 11/17/1558
    1. Persecution of Protestants, nicknamed Bloody Mary
    2. Favored in a renewed war with France
    3. Briefly made England Catholic
    4. Deposed Lady Jane Grey
    Tudor, married Philip II of Spain
    Grade: B. She ruled very harshly to establish her rule, she secured alliance with Spain, but famine hurt the circulation of commerce.
  • Jan 16, 1556

    Phillip II of Spain

    Phillip II of Spain
    1/16/1556 - 9/13/1598
    Death from Cancer
    1. Defender of Catholic Church
    2. Spanish Armada/Invade England
    3. Dutch Republic
    4. Colonize Philippines
    Hapsburg, had 4 wives over life time
    Grade: B. He had a large expansion of land but poor financial decisions led to bankruptcies.
  • Nov 17, 1558

    Elizabeth I of England

    Elizabeth I of England
    11/17/1558 - 3/24/1603
    1. Returned back to Anglican Church
    2. Led an era of English drama flourishing
    3. Refused Parliament's request to marry
    4. Established English Protestant Church
    Grade: A. She provided stability over a long period of time, had a good relationship with Parliament, and defeated the Spanish Armada.
  • Henry IV of France

    Henry IV of France
    8/2/1589 - 5/14/1610
    1. Edict of Nantes
    2. Barely escaped St. Bartholomew's Massacre
    3. Treaty of Lyon
    4. War of Julich Succession
    Bourbon, married twice
    Grade: A. He was extremely tolerant of religion and showed great care for his subjects; he was very popular with his subjects.
  • Phillip III of Spain

    Phillip III of Spain
    9/16/1598 - 3/31/1621
    Death by unknown cause
    1. Twelve Years Truce
    2. Entered Thirty Years War
    3. Poor foreign policy resulted in exhaustion of finances
    4. Treaty of London
    Hapsburg, married Margaret of Austria
    Grade: C. He had corrupt advisors and little money. He entered into wars, but brought temporary peace with Dutch.
  • James I of England

    James I of England
    3/24/1603 - 3/27/1625
    1. View of himself as an absolute monarch
    2. Refused to pass Puritan reform
    3. Assasination attempt (Gunpowder Plot)
    4. Reoccuring conflicts with Parliament
    Stuart, married to Anne of Denmark
    Grade: B. He continued the Elizabthean era of drama, and was very serious about his duty. He had the Church's (and therefore people's) support.
  • Louis XIII of France

    Louis XIII of France
    5/14/1610 - 5/14/1643
    1. Franco Morrocan Treaty
    2. Expansion to Americas
    3. Cardinal Richelieu rules until Louis XIII is old enough
    4. Treaty of Montpellier
    Bourbon, married to Anne of Austria
    Grade: C. He leaned heavily on others to do his job and struggled against Hugenots and the Hapsburgs.
  • Michael I of Russia

    Michael I of Russia
    2/21/1613 - 7/12/1645
    1. Peace of Stolbovo
    2. Truce of Duelino
    3. Reduced peasantry to serfdom
    4. Helped restore order to Russia
    Grade: B. His reign seemed as if it was very uneventful. He never really did anything to jeopardize the state of his homeland, so I say that's a job well done.
  • Ferdinand II, Holy Roman Emperor

    Ferdinand II, Holy Roman Emperor
    8/28/1619 - 2/15/1637
    1. Devout Catholic, shut down a couple Protestant churches
    2. Caused Bohemian Revolt
    3. Peace of Prague
    4. Second Defenstration of Prague
    Grade: C. Very unpopular with his subjects. His religious control caused rebellion and revolt throughout the empire, with other European leaders allying themselves against him.
  • Phillip IV of Spain

    Phillip IV of Spain
    3/31/1621 - 9/17/1665
    1. Won victories with Dutch and created some peace
    2. Suffered great financial problems
    3. Patron of the arts
    4. Maintained Austrian alliance
    Hapsburg, married twice
    Grade: B. He handled the Thirty Years War the best he could, but he suffered from financial problems. The Spanish Empire reached its peak (size).
  • Charles I of England

    Charles I of England
    3/27/1625 - 1/30/1649
    1. Signed Petition of Right
    2. Publicly beheaded for treason
    3. Final years during English civil war
    4. Parliament refused to give him money, taxed on his own
    Grade: C. He taxed people without Parliamentary consent, upsetting the public. His aid failed during Thirty Years War, although he did limit his own power by signing the Petition of Right.
  • Frederick William

    Frederick William
    12/1/1640 - 4/29/1688
    1. Thirty Years War
    2. Won Sweden in Second Northern War
    3. Then lost Sweden to France
    4. Great Sleigh Drive
    Hohenzollern, married thrice
    Grade: A. Frederick had great skills in his military campaigns and his political battles. He promoted trade so much that Prussia became a dominant kingdom, from what was once a duchy.
  • Louis XIV of France

    Louis XIV of France
    5/14/1643 - 9/1/1715
    Retired, old age
    1. Franco Dutch War
    2. Palace of Versailles
    3. War of Spanish Succession
    4. War of the League of Augsburg
    Bourbon, married to Maria Theresa of Spain
    Grade: B. He was militarily successful in his campaigns. He also eliminated feudalism in parts of France, and had the longest reign in French history.
  • Oliver Cromwell

    Oliver Cromwell
    12/16/1653 - 9/3/1658
    1. Established Commonwealth government
    2. Economic policies led to Dutch war
    3. House of Commons abolished monarchy
    4. Member of Rump Parliament
    Puritan General, helped overthrow Charles I
    Grade: B. He led military expeditions and was a natural born leader. He also had a very effective and aggressive foreign policy.
  • Charles II of England

    Charles II of England
    5/29/1660 - 2/6/1685
    1. Supported toleration of Catholics
    2. Parliament strenghtened Church of England
    3. Reopened theaters, English drama blossom
    4. Royal Declaration of Indulgence
    Stuart, married to Catherine of Braganza
    Grade: B. He established Habeus Corpus (accused of crime had right to appear in court), he let English drama flourish again, and he supported public construction projects. However, The Great Plague ravaged his subjects.
  • Charles II of Spain

    Charles II of Spain
    9/17/1665 - 11/1/1700
    Death, some say from nervous breakdown
    1. Spanish Inquisition
    2. Junta Magna
    3. Death led to War of Spanish Succession
    4. Poor economy, abundant hunger
    Hapsburg, married twice
    Grade: F. He had weak power in his own empire's provinces and was often ignored from other rulers. He just was not fit for the job.
  • Peter I of Russia

    Peter I of Russia
    5/7/1682 - 2/8/1725
    1. Modernized Russia
    2. Built huge navy to overthrow Azov
    3. Grand Embassy to help against the Ottoman Empire
    4. Great Northern War
    Grade: A. He expanded Russia so much that it became a very prominent European power. He brought experts from the Western world so that Russia may modernize; he also built Russia's new capital St. Petersburg.
  • James II of England

    James II of England
    2/6/1685 - 12/23/1689
    1. Anglo-Dutch Wars
    2. Parliament did not like him very much
    3. Restoration
    4. Glorious Revolution crowned Mary II and William II
    Stuart, married twice
    Grade: C. His constant struggle with Parliament was the biggest factor in his deposition. His egotistical, absolute monarch views got the best of him, and was ultimately his downfall.
  • Frederick I

    Frederick I
    4/29/1688 - 2/25/1713
    1. Founded Academy of Science
    2. Patron of the arts
    3. Ruled with full soveriegnty
    4. Loyal ally to Austria during War of Spanish Succession
    Hohenzollern, married three times
    Grade: B. His reign seemed relatively uneventful. He remained a loyal king to his subjects; it was not easy to be the son of a very revered father, and he handled it well.
  • Mary II of England

    Mary II of England
    2/13/1689 - 12/28/1694
    1. Joint rule with spouse
    2. Ruled alone, and effectively, while William was away
    3. Protestant
    4. Signed English Bill of Rights before taking throne
    Stuart, married to William II
    Grade: B. She didn't really handle with much, William was more of the ruler. But while he was away at war, she kept a firm grip on England and didn't screw up.
  • William III of England

    William III of England
    2/13/1689 - 3/8/1702
    1. Engaged in many military campaigns abroad
    2. Summoned Convention Parliament
    3. Protestant
    4. Passed Act of Toleration
    Orange-Nassau, married to Mary II (Stuart)
    Grade: A. His rule marked the smooth transition from monarchy to more of an involved Parliament. He was a champion of Protestant faith, and was a very religiously tolerant man. He made smart, educated decisions placing his subjects on a pedestal.
  • Philip V of Spain

    Philip V of Spain
    11/16/1700 - 1/14/1724
    1. Extensive Spanish rule
    2. Abdication
    3. Multiple marriages to seal alliances
    4. Spanish War
    Bourbon, had two marriages
    Grade: B. He made many government reforms in favor of his subjects. It seemed as if he favored France over Spain in some conflicts. He maintained a pretty stable economy.
  • Charles VI, Holy Roman Emperor

    Charles VI, Holy Roman Emperor
    10/12/1711 - 10/20/1740
    1. Pragmatic Sanction of 1713
    2. 2 year conflict with Ottoman Empire
    3. Hapsburg's lands in debt
    4. Ignored Mutual Pact of Succession, angering European powers
    Hapsburg, had a wife
    Grade: D. When he died, he left a war that plagued Maria Theresa for eight years. His carelessness left his empire covered in debt, and he favored his daughters over well qualified candidates to do his job.
  • Frederick William I

    Frederick William I
    2/25/1713 - 5/31/1740
    1. Postdam Giants
    2. Harsh on oldest son, wanted to take over military power
    3. Gained little land in Great Northern War
    4. Known as "The Soldier-King"\
    Hohenzollern, married to Sophia Dorothea
    Grade: A. Frederick William centralized Prussia, and encouraged farming. Instead of mandatory soldiers for middle class, he substituted in an annual tax. He dealt with every country in his empire that he could to better Prussia.
  • Louie XV of France

    Louie XV of France
    9/1/1715 - 5/10/1774
    1. Treaty of Vienna
    2. Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle
    3. Incorporation of Corsica and Lorraine in Kingdom
    4. Returned Austrian Netherlands
    Grade: C. His decisions damaged French power, weakened the tresury, and contributed to French Revolution 15 years after death.
  • Frederick II

    Frederick II
    5/31/1740 - 8/17/1786
    1. Had tolerance for religions
    2. Conquered Austria
    3. Modernized Prussia
    4. Seven Years War, kept Silesia
    Grade: A. His brilliance in miltary tactics and organization o armies was unparalelled. He conquered Poland and other countries during his reign, He also had an intimate relationship with Voltaire; he was interested in the arts and was a well rounded king.
  • Maria Theresa, Holy Roman Emperor

    Maria Theresa, Holy Roman Emperor
    10/20/1740 - 11/29/1780
    1. War of Austrian Succession
    2. Only female ruler of Hapsburg dominions
    3. No religious tolerance, devout Catholic
    4. Many financial and educational reforms
    Hapsburg, married to Francis I
    Grade: B. Maria Theresa took interest in essentials. Though she was very stubborn about religious ordeals, she made many reforms in medicine, civil rights, and education. Some of these reforms are still in effect today: like all hospital deaths are to have autopsies in Austria.
  • Catherine II of Russia

    Catherine II of Russia
    7/9/1762 - 11/6/1796
    1. Golden Age
    2. Introduced higher education to women
    3. Enlightened Despot
    4. Pugachev Revolt
    Romanov, married to Peter III
    Grade: A. Catherine reformed legal systems, education systems, and took off trade restrictions. Her army crushed Poland and took over half of their country; she even put down a rebellion with relative ease. Her leadership took Russia into their own Golden Age.
  • Louis XVI of France

    Louis XVI of France
    5/10/1774 - 9/21/1792
    Executed by guillotine
    1. French Revolution
    2. Aided U.S in Revolutionary War
    3. Attempts on the lives of Royal Family
    4. Marked end of monarchy
    Bourbon, married to Marie Antoinette
    Grade: C. He made unpopular Enlightenment reforms, upsetting many. He also put France into debt, and his indecisiveness led to civil war and his death.