European Monarch Timeline

  • Apr 5, 1462

    Ivan III (Russia)

    Ivan III (Russia)
    End of reign: 11/6/1505
    Why: Died
    Event 1: Formed Muscovy
    Event 2: Annexed Yaroslavl
    Event 3: Annexed Novgorod
    Event 4: Invaded Lithuania
    Connections: Rurik Dynasty
    Grade: A
    Why: Expanded territory by a good amount, succesfully grew into a more unified nation.
  • Apr 21, 1509

    Henry VIII (England)

    Henry VIII (England)
    End of reign: 1/28/1547
    Why: Died/multiple health complications
    Event 1: Separated England from Catholic Church
    Event 2: Formed the Anglican Church
    Event 3: Became King of Ireland
    Event 4: Married 6 times
    Connections: The Tudor family
    Grade: B-
    Why: Was irrational but didn't do anything terrible, established a new church, didn't have any major military conflicts, no great achievments.
  • Mar 14, 1516

    Charles I (Spain)

    Charles I (Spain)
    End of reign: 1/16/1556
    Why: Retired
    Event 1: Italian Wars vs France
    Event 2: Fought Protestantism
    Event 3: Colinization of Americas
    Event 4: Five ships to Magellan
    Connections: Hapburg, Valois-Burgundy
    Grade: B
    Why: Because he was an effective leader, accompolished alot, gained territory but at same time was not tolerant.
  • Jan 16, 1547

    Ivan IV (Russia)

    Ivan IV (Russia)
    End of reign: 1/26/1547
    Why: Stroke
    Event 1: 1st Tzar of Russia
    Event 2: Russo-Turkish Wars
    Event 3: The Russo-Crimean Wars
    Event 4: Conquered Serbia
    Connections: The Ruric Dynasty
    Grade: C
    Why: During the first part of his reign, he gained alot of territory and was a strong ruler. But, during the second part of his reign there were a lot of wars, he was parqanoid/went crazy, was suspected of murder, formed personal police force, etc.
  • Jan 28, 1547

    Edward VI (England)

    Edward VI (England)
    End of reign: 7/6/1553
    Why: Died from terminal illness
    Event 1: Firmly established Protestantism
    Event 2: War in Scotland
    Event 3: Northumberland's Regime
    Event 4: Council of Regency
    Connections: The Tudor Family
    Grade: B+
    Why: Did fairly well but died early on so not enough time to accomplish much. Was really influential with establishing England's religion.
  • Jul 19, 1553

    Mary I (England) "Bloody Mary"

    Mary I (England) "Bloody Mary"
    End of reign: 11/17/1558
    Why: Died from illness
    Event 1: Captured the throne from Jane Grey
    Event 2: Made England Catholic again
    Event 3: Persecuted Protestants
    Event 4: Married Philip II of Spain
    Connections: The Tudor family & The Hapsburgs
    Grade: D
    Why: Power hungry, persecuted people.
  • Jan 16, 1556

    Phillip II (Spain)

    Phillip II (Spain)
    End of reign: 9/13/1598
    Why: Died from Cancer
    Event 1: Colinized the Phillippines
    Event 2: The Dutch Republic
    Event 3: Invaded England w/ Spanish Armada
    Event 4: Defended the Catholic Church
    Connections: Hapsburgs, Married Queen of England (Mary I)
    Grade: B
    Why: Colonized & Expanded, Invasion of England failed, suffered defeats.
  • Nov 17, 1558

    Elizabeth I (England)

    Elizabeth I (England)
    End of reign: 3/24/1603
    Why: Died
    Event 1: Reverted England back to Protestantism
    Event 2: Religious tolerance
    Event 3: Executed Mary (Queen of Scotts)
    Event 4: Defeated the Spanish Armada
    Connections: Tudor family
    Grade: A
    Why: Was reasonable, religously tolerant, several miitary victories, established power without abusing it.
  • Henry IV (France)

    Henry IV (France)
    End of reign: 5/14/1610
    Why: Assassinated
    Event 1: War of the Three Henry's
    Event 2: Coverted to Catholicism in order to become King
    Event 3: Many Public Policy reforms
    Event 4: Married Marie Medici
    Connections: Was a Bourbon, Medici family, Jean III of Navarre
    Grade: A
    Why: Led country in a dignified manner, policy reforms, endured war, religious tolerance.
  • Phillip III (Spain)

    Phillip III (Spain)
    End of reign: 3/31/1621
    Why: Death, illness
    Event 1: Got rid of Moriscos, defended Catholicism
    Event 2: Made peace with the Dutch
    Event 3: Anglo-Spanish War
    Event 4: Enter Thirty-Year's War
    Connections: Hapsburg, Holy Roman Empire
    Grade: B
    Why: Made peace, got out of a war but also entered into one.
  • James I (England)

    James I (England)
    End of reign: 3/27/1625
    Why: Died from health problems
    Event 1: Became King of Scotland when crowned King of England & Ireland.
    Event 2: Married Anne of Denmark
    Event 3: King James Bible
    Event 4: Gunpowder plot happened under his rule.
    Connections: Tudor family
    Grade: C+
    Why: Didn't do a whole lot politically, but was involved religiously.
  • Louis XIII (France)

    Louis XIII (France)
    End of reign: 5/14/1643
    Why: Death, health issues
    Event 1: Established the French Academy
    Event 2: Negotiated Franco-Moroccan Treaty
    Event 3: War Against the Hapsburgs
    Event 4: Ended the revolts of the Feudal Lords.
    Connections: Bourbon, son of Medici and Henry IV.
    Grade: B+
    Why: Resolved alot of conflict, established military, only flaw is War against Hapsburgs.
  • Michael I (Russia)

    Michael I (Russia)
    End of reign: 7/12/1645
    Why: Died
    Event 1: Founded the Romanov Dynasty
    Event 2: Ended Time of Troubles
    Event 3: Established manufactories and markets
    Event 4: Reorganized military
    Connections: Romanov
    Grade: A
    Why: Gave country new life, grew economy, expanded trade and industrial, organized militia, etc.
  • Ferdinand II (Holy Roman Empire)

    Ferdinand II (Holy Roman Empire)
    End of reign: 2/15/1637
    Why: Died
    Event 1: Thirty-Year's War
    Event 2: Bohemian revolt and Defenestration of Prague
    Event 3: Strong Anti-Protestant, aided Counter-Reformation efforts
    Event 4: Edict of Restitution
    Connections: Hapsburg
    Grade: B-
    Why: Passionate about religion, but also got his country into alot of conflicts because of it. Grade:
  • Phillip IV (Spain)

    Phillip IV (Spain)
    End of reign: 9/17/1665
    Why: Died
    Event 1: Thirty-Year's War, Peace of Westphalia
    Event 2: War with the Dutch
    Event 3: War w/ France
    Event 4: Defended Catholicism
    Connections: Hapsburg, HRE
    Grade: C
    Why: Alot of war, with some resolution.
  • Charles I (England)

    Charles I (England)
    End of reign: 1/30/1649
    Why: Executed
    Event 1: Thirty-Year's War
    Event 2: English Civil War
    Event 3: Second Civil War
    Event 4: Second Bishop's War
    Connections: Tudors
    Grade: D
    Why: Alot of war, not alot of people liked him, abused power over parliament.
  • Frederick William "The Great Elector" (Prussia)

    Frederick William "The Great Elector" (Prussia)
    End of reign: 4/29/1688
    Why: Died
    Event 1: Established Monarchy in Prussia
    Event 2: 2nd Northern War
    Event 3: Defended against Swedish Invasion
    Event 4: Advocated mercantilism and internal improvment
    Connections: Hohenzollern
    Grade: B
    Why: Involved in some wars, but outcome was successful and did alot to improve things on the inside.
  • Louis XIV (France)

    Louis XIV (France)
    End of reign: 5/14/1643
    Why: Retired, died shortly after
    Event 1: Franco-Dutch War
    Event 2: War of the League of Augsburg
    Event 3: The War of the Spanish Succesion
    Event 4: Revoked the Edict of Nantes
    Connections: Bourbon, Son of Louis XIII, Wife was Maria Theresa of Spain.
    Grade: D
    Why: Fought a ridiculous number of wars and bankrupted the country by building Palace of Versailles.
  • Oliver Cromwell (England)

    Oliver Cromwell (England)
    End of reign: 9/3/1653
    Why: Died- health issues
    Event 1: Leader of the Roundheads during English Civil War.
    Event 2: Became Lord Protector and established a Commonwealth in England.
    Event 3: Commanded in the English campaign of Ireland
    Event 4: Signed King Charles I's death warrant
    Connections: Bourchier, Cromwell, and distantly the Tudors.
    Grade: B-
    Why: Poweful and effective leader but also ruthless and kind of a jerk.
  • Charles II (England)

    Charles II (England)
    End of reign: 2/6/1685
    Why: Possibly dies from poison, though likely it was a natural cause
    Event 1: Reestablished the Monarchy
    Event 2: Second Anglo-Dutch War
    Event 3: Secret Treaty of Dover
    Event 4: Reestablished the Church of England
    Connections: Tudors
    Grade: B, kept country relatively controlled under bad circumstances.
  • Charles II (Spain)

    Charles II (Spain)
    End of reign: 11/1/1700
    Why: Serious health issues
    Event 1: Married Marie Louise d'Orleans
    Event 2: Last Hapsburg ruler of Spain
    Event 3: Created a great council to investigate the Spanish Inquisition
    Event 4: Presided over the greatest auto-da-fe
    Connections: Hapsburgs
    Grade: C
    Why: Did virtually nothing to improve or achieve but didn't completely screw anything up.
  • Peter I (Russia)

    Peter I (Russia)
    End of reign: 2/8/1725
    Why: Death due to a bladder infection
    Event 1: Westernization of Russia
    Event 2: Fought with Sweden and got St.Petersburg
    Event 3: Moved the capital to St.Petersburg
    Event 4: Streltsy rebellion
    Connections: Romanov
    Grade: A
    Why: Brought Russia into the modern world, contending world power, warm water port = more trade.
  • James II (England)

    James II (England)
    End of reign: 12/23/1689
    Why: Died of brain hemorrage

    Event 1: Coverted England to Roman Catholicism
    Event 2: Faced a rebellion in England led by the Duke of Monmouth
    Event 3: Faced a rebellion in Scotland led by Archibald Campbell
    Event 4: Fled during The Glorious Revolution
    Grade: C+
    Why: People rebelled so didn't like him but strong enough to face down, got kicked off the throne during glorious revolution.
  • Frederick I (Prussia)

    Frederick I (Prussia)
    End of reign: 2/25/1713
    Why: Died
    Event 1: Established Monarchy in Prussia
    Event 2: War of Spanish Succession
    Event 3: Established Schools and Academies
    Event 4: United Hohenzollerns Lands
    Connections: Hohenzollern
    Grade: B
    Why: Established more education and united country, but faced a war.
  • Mary II (England)

    Mary II (England)
    End of reign: 12/28/1694
    Why: Died from Smallpox
    Event 1: Married William of Orange
    Event 2: Passed English Bill of Rights
    Event 3: Was given the crown instead of her fathers heir b/c of Protestantism
    Event 4: Ordered the arrest of uncle who plotted to replace her
    Connections: Tudor
    Grade: A
    Why: Was very powerful/held her place, established a Bill of Rights.
  • William III (England)

    William III (England)
    End of reign: 3/8/1702
    Why: Died from Pneumonia
    Event 1: Married Mary II
    Event 2: Was offered the crown for joint rule with Mary II
    Event 3: Passed the English Bill of Rights
    Event 4: War with France
    Connections: Married into the Tudor family
    Grade: B
    Why: Did a fairly good job, passed bill of rights, had war with france but was succesful.
  • Phillip V (Spain)

    Phillip V (Spain)
    End of reign: 1/14/1724
    Why: Abdicated to son
    Event 1: War of Spanish Succession
    Event 2: War of Quadruple Alliance
    Event 3: Invsion of Scotland
    Event 4: British Raid
    Connections: Hapsburg, grandson of Maria Theresa and Louis XIV
    Grade: C-
    Why: Commanding and powerful but entered into alot of war, bit off more than he could chew.
  • Charles VI (Holy Roman Empire)

    Charles VI (Holy Roman Empire)
    End of reign: 10/20/1740
    Why: Death, eating poisonous mushrooms
    Event 1: War of Spanish Succession
    Event 2: Pragmatic Sanction
    Event 3: Founded Ostend Company
    Event 4: War of Polish Succession
    Connections: Hapsburg
    Grade: C
    Why: Made some advances to establish country and provided sanctions but was involved in some war.
  • Frederick William I (Prussia)

    Frederick William I (Prussia)
    End of reign: 5/31/1740
    Why: Died
    Event 1: Great Northern War
    Event 2: Created a surplus in the national treasury
    Event 3: Encouraged agriculture and conservation of grain/resouces
    Event 4: Resettled East Prussia
    Connections: Hohenzollern
    Grade: A
    Why: Despite facing, a war, he managed to create a surplus, and advocate for agriculture/conservation, and resettled land.
  • Louis XV (France)

    Louis XV (France)
    End of reign: 5/10/1774
    Why: Died of smallpox
    Event 1: War of Austrian Succession
    Event 2: Inducted Lorraine into the kingdom
    Event 3: Restored the southern Netherlands to Austria
    Event 4: Inducted Corsica into the Kindom
    Connections: Bourbon
    Grade: B Although he was involved in one war, he really focused on strengthening the kindom and restoring land.
  • Frederick II (Prussia)

    Frederick II (Prussia)
    End of reign: 8/17/1786
    Why: Died
    Event 1: Capture of Silesia
    Event 2: War of Austrian Succession
    Event 3: 7-Year's War
    Event 4: Connected all parts of his territory into one great power
    Connections: Hohenzollern
    Grade: C+
    Why: Unfortunately was involed in some wars, but stayed strong and used tactics to unite Prussia during them.
  • Maria Theresa (Holy Roman Empire)

    Maria Theresa (Holy Roman Empire)
    End of reign: 11/29/1780
    Why: Died, small pox complications
    Event 1: War of Austrian Succession
    Event 2: 7-Year's War
    Event 3: Education reform, established schools
    Event 4: Abolished torture
    Connections: Hapsburg
    Grade: B
    Why: Alough the country endured 2 small wars under her reign, she herself managed to do a lot of good with moving towards better education and human rights.
  • Catherine II (Russia)

    Catherine II (Russia)
    End of reign: 11/6/1796
    Why: Died of stroke
    Event 1: Expanded Russian borders, esp. into Ottomoan and Polish/Lithuanian terriory
    Event 2: War with Poland
    Event 3: Continued Peter I's Westernization
    Event 4: Pugachev's Rebellion
    Connections: Married grandson of Peter the Great, Romanov
    Grade: B-
    Why: Achieved expasion of territory and continued to modernize Russia, however had one war and some people were not fond of her.
  • Louis XVI (France)

    Louis XVI (France)
    End of reign: 9/21/1792
    Why: Forced from throne via Revolution, executed
    Event 1:Called Estates General
    Event 2: Supported the American Revolution
    Event 3: Removed Taille and abolished serfdom
    Event 4: Attempted reforms and religious tolerance
    Connections: Bourbon
    Grade: B
    Why: Made alot of liberal reforms which were good, but a large amount of people thought it was too radical.