European History Timeline

  • 476

    476 C.E - The Western Roman Empire Falls

    476 C.E - The Western Roman Empire Falls
    In 476, northern Germanic tribes conquered the Western Roman Empire. The Romans were already on the brink of collapse, so it took no time for the tribes to take over.
  • 1066

    Viking raids began

    Viking raids began
    The vikings were Scandinavian warriors. They raided the coasts of Europe and the British isles. In the vikings language, "Viking" meant Journey. They raided the coasts of Europe and British isles from the 9th century to the 11th century. In the Neolithic period Scandinavians lived in small communities and were usually farmers, fishermen, and or hunters.
  • 1066

    The Normans conquer England

    The Normans conquer England
    The battle of Hastings ended in the defeat of Harold II. The Normans conquered England. Throughout Harold the II reign Edward the confessor had used the absence a successor that was clear to the throne or king of a bargain tool.
  • 1096

    The crusades

    The crusades
    In 1095, The Pope Urban II wanted a war against the rulers of Jerusalem (Which were Muslim). This is known as the First crusade. In the future 2 centuries, The christian armies that were from Europe fought more crusades, but they all failed.
  • 1100

    The Inquisition

    The Inquisition
    The inquisition was some type of powerful office set that was around to help with the catholic church and to help with punishment throughout Europe and america. It began in the 12th century. It went on for thousands and thousands of years.
  • 1374

    The Black Plague

    The Black Plague
    The black plague ( also known as buboinic plauge or the black death) is a virus/bacteria and it that was responsible for killing many European people. If you got the Black death you were only expected to live 3 days. It terrorized Europe for 5 years.
  • 1440

    The Printing Press is Invented

    The Printing Press is Invented
    In 1440, Johannas Gutenburg invented the printing press. This revolutionized writing and printing.
  • 1452

    The Byzantine Empire falls

    The seventh crusade resulted of Muslims conqureing and destroying Constantinople, the empire capital
  • 1492

    Columbus began his exploration of the New World

    Columbus began his exploration of the New World
    People say that he was the original person who found the Americas but he wasn't. Leif Erikson and the Vikings did in the 11th century. Columbus was the first to report it. From there Britain, RAnce and Spain explored the new world
  • 1500

    The Renaissance

    The Renaissance
    The Renaissance was the rebirth of the Roman and Greek culture . It helped explorers start to discover new continents. It also helped astronomy make paper and inventing the compass. This year was 1300-1600.
  • 1517

    The reformation

    The reformation
    The reformation is the rebirth of the and roman culture. The reformation took place in 1517. It began with a German monk, named Martin Luther. Martin Luther was a reformer. 2 other reformers were also John Calvin and Henry VIII which questioned the church's ability to teach and define christian ability.
  • The Enlightenment

    The Enlightenment
    People started to come closer to God nature and humility .It is knowledge art and Philosophy, and politics. Thought were the use and celebration of reason, the power by which humans understand the universe .Had goals of having Freedom, happiness ,and In knowledge
  • The Industrial Revolution

    The Industrial Revolution
    Industrial Revolution changed from having agriculture as the main industry to now that you are manufacturing stuff with machines and instead of growing stuff . how do you started to improve to make more efficient machines to make our jobs easier .
  • The French Revolution

    The French Revolution
    In 1789, the French people revolted against King Louis XVI and took control of the government. They beheaded Louis and his wife, Marie Anntonette.
  • WWI

    They used trench warfare and the Germans attacked the Central Powers with chlorine gas and armies.
  • The Russian Revolution

    The Russian Revolution
    WWI had drained all of Russia's supplies.
  • Israel is born

    Israel is born
    After the Holocaust, Jewish people wanted a safe place to live without being persecuted so they created the nation of Israel.
  • Cold war

    Cold war
    The cold war started in 1946, under the Truman Doctirne. the war between the U.S and the Soviet union was a struggle for these 2 sides. This war ended in 1990. But, the whole soviet union collapsed after the war ended.
  • Tsar Bomba was tested

    In 1961, Leader Nikita Khrushchev tested Tsar Bomba the most powerful nuke ever
  • Luke's brain was born

    12:26 pm in Illinois Valley Community Hospital
  • Works Cited

    “Explore Encyclopedia Britannica.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., smart/
  • Works Cited

    World War I,
    “French Revolution.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 28 Feb. 2019,
    “Printing Press.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 8 Mar. 2019,
    Timeline. The Adventures of Christopher Columbus,