European History

  • 3000 BCE


    The Lascaux were paintings that the cavemen made a long time ago in prehistory. these paintings include large animals from long ago. They also created paintings of people. they were made during prehistoric times and found around France. the Lascaux paintings were found around September 12 1940. After World War 2 the paintings were open to the public but there was too much carbon dioxide released and it was damaging the paintings so in 1963 they were closed to the public.
  • 1200 BCE

    Greek Mythology

    Greek Mythology
    Around 1200 B.C.E residents of what today is known as Greece and Asia, people shared common belief's of the Olympians. the Olympians are self created gods whose ruler is Zeus the most powerful. If it weren't for him then his siblings would still be trapped in Kronos their fathers stomach. Greek mythology impacted us because they created the olympics which happen every four years. Greek mythology also gave us stories to read for fun. Very small amounts of people who actually believe in the myth.
  • Period: 509 BCE to 350

    Roman Empire Conquers

    The Roman Empire was a Monarchy two kings named Romulus and Remus. They had high political and social structure. By 285 C.E. the empire had grown to big to be ruled by Rome so it was divided by Emperor Diocletian. The empire began when Caesar Augustus became the first Emperor it ended in the west when Romulus Augustulus was deposed by the Germanic king. The Roman Empire impacted Europe by creating laws that are still used today. Rome also influenced the world by the spread of christianity.
  • Period: 400 to 1400

    Dark ages

    After the fall of Rome there was basically just s free for all. Rome was very good at building things so people didn’t have to. There were three levels kings who think God gives them power, Nobel’s who own land and have a military, and lastly there are peasants/serfs who work. Kings want to go on crusades cause they think god will give them more power than what they already have.crusades happened in the dark ages.
  • Period: 1096 to 1291

    The first Crusade

    The crusades were a series of religious wars between christians and muslims who were attempting to capture the Holy land. Christians sent a lot of money and people to fight. The massacre of 3,000 christian pilgrims in Jerusalem prompted the first crusade. All of the crusades impacted Europe because people lost lots of money for sending people to fight. It also made people very tired.
  • Period: 1340 to 1350

    The Black Plague

    The black plague mostly affects rodents but fleas can transmit them to humans. There are three types of the Black Plague, bubonic, pneumonic, and septicemic. Once humans are infected, they infect others rapidly. 25 million people died in under five years in the whole world. The Black Plague also killed many peasants and so nobles had to pay peasants cause there were few left.
  • Period: 1400 to

    The Renaissance

    The Renaissance was the rebirth and enlightenment in Europe. During this time there was lots of art, inventions, trading, and mostly science. People also started to talk education very seriously. There were lots of famous artists from this time period including Michelangelo and Raphael. The Renaissance impacted Europe by turning Europe into a happy economy the opposite of the Middle Ages. There were many new inventions helping modern day Europe.
  • Period: 1517 to

    The Reformation

    The Reformation was a split in Christianity between Catholics and Protestants. There was lots of exploring going on and due to that people gained extra wealth and colonization of new lands. Some Reformers questioned if the Catholics had the ability to define Christian practice. It all began when Martin Luther made a list of 95 theses and nailed it to the door of the Wittenberg Castle Church.