The Middle Ages
Feudalism is introduced to western Europe after their king died. -
The Middle Ages part 2
King Charlemagne united western Europeans with invaders. When the king died everyone split up again and this weakened the government. They had to do something, that's when they created feudalism came in. Nobles got land from kings and in return the kings got military service leading most westerns to be poor with little to no freedom. -
The Crusades
This is when faith united Europeans. The Europeans christian churches had holy lands that muslims attempted to take. -
The Crusades part ll
The muslims eventually recaptured most of the region. Soon goods flowed between Muslim lands and Europe. This helped the kings, kings eventually took over land from nobles. Because of this the land became larger and stronger. The Crusades occured during the Middle Ages so the events are similar. -
The Black Death
A disease that was spread by rats, flees, and humans. The Black Death came over by trade which slowed down trade. -
The Black Death part 2
Sailors who had just came back from sailing the Black Sea carried the disease. If they did not die on the ship they came back very ill covered in boils. They started spreading it to people at the docks. From then on it kept spreading till it killed nearly 1/3 of the continents population. Peasant value went up because of all the deaths, this really benefitted the peasants. -
The Renaissance
The Renaissance, meaning rebirth, comes right after the black death when people started to think different. This is when people suddenly became interested in art. -
The Renaissance part 2
When merchants gained wealth they used it to support scholars and artists. It wasn't just paintings and sculptures they started to have an interest in ancient Greece and Rome. This eventually spread from Italy to more parts of Europe. It thrived in Rome, Florence, and Venice. -
The Enlightenment
Right after the Renaissance came the Enlightenment. After art people went to science. This initiated a revolution. -
The Enlightenment part 2
Many Europeans choose reason over faith to guide them. John Locke was an important Enlightenment thinker because he believed that people have the right to life, liberty, and property. American colonists used his idea to support the war of independence which led to France doing the same thing. -
Caves of Lascaux
Caves near the village of Montignac, France. These caves consisted of 600 wall paintings. -
Caves of Lascaux part ll
The caves had paintings of fossils and large animals. These animals were from a specific region in a specific time period. The paintings kept getting added on to over time and it is said to be 17,000 years old. -
The Marshall Plan
This plan takes place a few years after World War ll when the economy was injured. It's about trying to recover the economy. -
The Marshall Plan 2
By channeling over $13 billion to restore the economy. "Restoring the confidence of the European people." This plan let the U.S to remake Europes economy the way they wanted to, making the economy just like theirs. There was debates about this because they thought that this plan would ruin their country. -
Berlin Wall
The Berlin Wall or Cold War.. A wall built in Berlin between the east and west of Berlin. Originally built to keep out "fascists" from entering the country. -
Berlin Wall part ll
The Berlin Wall was a huge wall separating the east and west of Germany. Because of this separation many families were disconnected and East Berliners lost their jobs. In time this wall was taken down by Berliners who actually tore down the wall. 100 people died trying to escape to the west of Germany but 5,000 people made it to freedom.