European History

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    This is one of the largest religions in Europe. Christianity has been practiced in Europe since the 1st century. Christianity became Rome's official religion.
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    christianity pt 2.

    christianity pt 2.
    Christianity impacts a huge part of Europe. Most of the people believed in this religion. In the early part of the Middle ages is when they realized that this religion was spreading across Europe.
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    This event took place in the middle ages. Feudalism was a combination of legal and military customs in medieval Europe that happened through the 9th and 15th centuries. This system wasn't the best. This system gave the nobles land from the king.
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    Feudalism pt 2.

    Feudalism pt 2.
    Feudalism in England was made by William the Conqueror, during the Battle of Hastings in 1066. Well Feudalism actually began in the 8th century, but began to develop around the 10th century. One of the effects that happened in Europe because of Feudalism is the Nobles became responsible for the protection of their serfs.
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    The Crusades

    The Crusades
    The crusades started in the 11th century. This event was a mix of wars including the christians and the muslims.
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    The Crusades pt 2.

    The Crusades pt 2.
    The Crusades was an event of war. Muslims were spreading. So pretty much the Crusades was about a religious war. This event had a huge impact on the Europeans though. Kings began to upgrade their taxes on trades. Then kings took land from some nobles as the nobles left to fight in war. While this was happening the Black Death started to spread.
  • 1347

    Black Death

    Black Death
    The Black Death arrived in Europe by sea in October 1347. This happened after a long journey through the black sea. this disease caused people to fill with black boils the oozed with blood and pus.
  • 1347

    Black Death pt 2.

    Black Death pt 2.
    This was one of the most devastating and disturbing event that has ever happened. The Black Death killed about a third of Europe on October 1347. While people were trading they came back with the plague "Black Death". This plague could kill people as fast as you could imagine. This plague tore down the community, because trading slowed down and a lot of people started dying. This plague effected a lot of the population so people who survived had more land.
  • 1350

    The Renaissance

    The Renaissance
    The Renaissance was tied to society and politics. This event at silly started in Italy and then spread throughout Europe, it started around 1350 and ended around 1600. People went through changes in art, learning, and many other things.
  • 1350

    The Renaissance pt 2.

    The Renaissance pt 2.
    The Renaissance was a period in European history from the 14th to the 17th century, It somewhat happened between the Middle Ages and modern history.
  • 1500

    European Exploration

    European Exploration
    The European Exploration, or known as the Age of Exploration was a long trip the Europeans took to find new trading routes, more wealth, and knowledge.this started in the 15th century and ended around the 17th century.
  • 1500

    European Exploration pt 2.

    European Exploration pt 2.
    The Age of Exploration had a huge impact on Europeans. During the trip Europeans took they found new trade routes, got wealthier, and got more knowledge on religions around the world. The Age of Exploration brought together Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Americas. The new trading routes that Europeans discovered caused competition.
  • 1517

    The Reformation

    The Reformation
    This event lead people to think about religion in a new way. This happened because people wanted the problems in the Roman Catholic church to be corrected. Martin Luther is also a huge part of this event.
  • 1517

    The Reformation pt 2.

    The Reformation pt 2.
    In 1517 a German Religous leader, Martin Luther corrected what poeple had problems with the church. These ideas made a movement called the Reformation. After the war between the Roman Catholics and the protestants the Reformationthen became more religious. As the church leaders went through a challenge the kings and queens claimed more athourity for themselves.
  • 1543

    Scientific Revolution

    Scientific Revolution
    The renaissance was a big part of the scientific revolution. This event started around the 1500's and ended around 1700's. The scientific revolution is a concept used by historians to describe the emergence of modern science during the early modern period.
  • 1543

    Scientific Revolution pt 2.

    Scientific Revolution pt 2.
    The reason why the Renaissance is a big part of the scientific revolution is because it encouraged this event. The scientific revolution caused people to wonder about old beliefs, also people started using experiments to understand unknown information. The most highly important scientist of the scientific revolution were Nicolaus Copernicus, Galileo Galilei, and Johannes Kepler. Then once the Renaissance ended many new discoveries were discovered.