European History

  • Period: Jan 1, 1337 to Dec 25, 1500

    Roman epire

  • Jun 1, 1337

    Founded of rome

    Rome was founded c. 500 bc.
  • Jun 2, 1337

    By 200 bc, it ruled most Italy,

  • Jun 3, 1338

    in 150 bc, it conquered Carthage,

  • Jul 13, 1340

    The Roman Empire would reach its greatest extent in 116 ad under the Emperor Trajan.

  • Jun 15, 1357

    Juliuces ceaser became the emperor of rome

  • Jun 15, 1400

    black death started to spread thoughout euroupe

  • Period: Jun 15, 1400 to Jun 15, 1500

    THe dark ages began

  • Period: Jun 15, 1400 to Jun 15, 1500

    The Dark ages finnished

  • Aug 22, 1470

    The black pague hit rome