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European footholds in south and southeast asia

  • 1510


    Portuguese seized port of Goa on
    the coast India and made it a major military and commercial
  • Period: 1510 to 1560

    1510 to 1560

    Portugal built trading empire with military and merchant outposts
  • 1511


    Portuguese took the port of Malacca under Afonso de Albuquerque
  • 1521


    Magellan claimed the archipelago of the Philippines for Spain
  • Period: 1521 to 1571

    1521 to 1571

    Spain conquers and colonizes the Philippines
  • 1525

    Early 1500's

    Early 1500's
    The Netherlands was part of the Holy Roman Empire in the early 1500's, but then the protestant northern province gained independence and flourished.
  • 1526


    The Mughal Empire began and had 200 years of peace, prosperity, and strength. King Afonso I of the Kongo wrote complaint letter to King John III of Portugal about the slave trade.
  • 1550

    most of 1500's

    most of 1500's
    Portugal controlled the spice trade between Asia and Europe
  • 1599

    A dutch fleet returned to Amsterdam from Asia bearing spices which lead to an increase in overseas trade
  • 1602

    A group of wealthy dutch merchants formed the Dutch East India company, which was the first corporation to hold full sovereign powers.
  • 1641

    The Dutch capture Malacca from the Portuguese and open trade with China
  • mid 1700's

    mid 1700's
    The British and the French became locked in a bitter struggle for global power
  • 1700s

    The growing power of England and France lead to the decline of the Dutch trading empire
  • Late 1700's

    Late 1700's
    Britain uses its wealth to dominate most of India
  • 1900

    The Dutch maintain an empire in Indonesia