Period: 1510 to
for most of the 1500s portugal controlled the spice trade -
Period: 1511 to 1511
Portugal seizes malacca
After portugal requesting a number of demands from the malaccan sultan the sultan refused the portuguese took over malacca -
Period: Apr 1, 1511 to Apr 4, 1511
april 1510
1200 portuguese soldiers set sail from goa to malacca after the malaccan ruler denied trade from the international muslim trade convinced him portugal was a grave threat -
Period: 1512 to 1512
Portugal quickly builds empire
In less than 50 years Portugal had build a trading empire in southeas asia -
Period: to
The dutch chaallenge Portugal
The dutch became the first europeans to challenge portugal in the spice trade -
Period: to
Dutch East India company
The dutch east india company created in 1602 became the first formally listed public company -
Period: to
French east india company and the rise of spain
spain soon became the front runner in spice trade and france developed the french east india company -
Period: to
British interests turn to southeast
In 1665 the dutch's interests became centered in southeast Asia and its spice trade this lead to the decline of Portugal and the dutch