Jun 10, 1419
Prince Henry opens a sailing school
Princo Henry the navigator starts a school for sailing in Portugal. This is important because it showed people how to navigate the ocean. This saved many lives. -
Nov 7, 1488
Bartomomeu Dias sails around the Cape of Good Hope
Bartolomeu Dias successfully sails around the Southern tip of Africa. -
Dec 4, 1492
Christopher Columbus Sails the ocean blue
Christopher Columbus makes his first voyage to the New World. -
Sep 4, 1513
Vasco Nunez De Leon claims Puerto Rico
Vasco Nunez De Leon takes over Puerto Rico for the Spanish. -
Sep 4, 1519
Ferdinand Magellan attempts Circumnavigating
Ferdinand Magellan begins a voyage around the world. -
Sep 4, 1523
Giovanni de Verrazano searches for the Northwest Passage
King Francis I of France hires Giovanni de Verrazanoto search for the Northwest Passage -
Sep 4, 1534
France makes it to the new world
Jacques Cartier makes his first voyage to North America. -
Sep 4, 1535
New Spain is created
Spain established New Spain with its capital at Mexico CIty. -
Sep 4, 1541
Mississippi RIver is reached
Hernando de Soto reaches the Mississippi RIver. -
La Salle reaches the GUlf of Mexico
La Salle reaches the Gulf of Mexico by sailing down the Mississippi River.