Jan 31, 1418
Prince Henry starts a navigation school.
Around 1418 Prince Henry starts the first oceanic navigation school and also starts an astronomical observatory course in Sagres, Portugal. This school gave sailors knowledge to sail down the west of Africa. -
Jan 31, 1488
Bartolomeu Dias sails around the Cape of Hope.
In 1488, Dias led the first European expedition to sail around Africa's Cape of Good Hope. This resulted in profitable trade routes from Europe and Asia. -
Oct 12, 1492
Christopher Columbus reaches the Caribbean.
On October 12th 1492, Columbus lands on a small island called "San Salvador". Columbus believed he had reached the indies/ Islands of Southwest India. -
Jun 7, 1494
Spain and Portugal sign the Treaty of Tordesillas
Approved June 7th 1494, to settle competing claims in the Atlantic discoveries by Spain and Portugal. Pope splits area in half. Portugal benefits more than Spain, because Portugal has more land. -
May 20, 1498
• Vasco da Gama reaches the port of Calicut
Vasco Da Gama arrives at Calicut,India on May 20 1498.
He runs into conflict with the Indian ruler, and ends up with a heavy tax fee. -
Mar 16, 1521
Ferdinand Magellan leads a Spanish expedition to the Philippines
Ferdinand Magellan, a Portuguese in the service of the Spanish crown, was looking for a westward route to the to the Spice Islands of Indonesia. He was the first European to reach the lands. -
Jan 31, 1565
• Spain begins settlements in the Philippines
The first permanent Spanish settlement in the Philippines was established on Cebu in 1565 by Miguel Lopez de Legazpi, a Spanish expedition commander. This settlement, at present-day Cebu City, became the capital of the new Spanish colony. -
• The Dutch establish a trading center on Java
The Dutch dominated areas of Java. This resulted in the first permanent trading post in Banten, West Java. -
• France sets up its own East India Company
East India Company was chartered for the purpose of trading with the eastern hemisphere. Resulted in fusion among 3 earlier companies.