Mar 9, 1000
The Greenlanders' Saga
Leif Ericson was a viking who hired a crew to set sail heading west, from Greenland. He was looking for that land ever since he was a little boy, when he had heard about it. They settled in Canada, but they called it "vineland'' for all the grape vines that grew there.When they finally made it there, the Vikings ended trips to North America because of numerous people attacked them, and they died, -
Jul 13, 1271
The Marco Polo
Seventeen year old, Marco Polo left his home in Venice, Italy, to go to Asia with his father and uncle, Niccolo and Maffeo Polo who were traders who first heard of the riches of this far off land from fellow traders. He saw a hall so big that " a meal might well be served there for more than six thousand men!"in China. -
Jan 6, 1453
The Otttoman Turks
The Turks, people from a huge land called Ottoman Empire, captured the city of Constantinople and took control of the Middle East, which was where they traded. This closed the trade routes between Europe and Asia. There would be no more spices,gold, or silk unless another way was found to get them. -
Nov 24, 1488
The Bartholoeu Dias
Dias became the first to sail all the way to the southern tip of Africa - around what is today called Cape Of Good Hope. Fierce storms battered the ship and the sailors grew hungry and sick, but Dias still wanted to sail on to India. Unfortunately his sailors made him return to Portugal. -
Aug 29, 1492
The Cristopher Colombus
Colombus was born and raised in Italy.He sailed all his life.He had read about The Travels Of Marco Polo many times.For years he asked Spain's monarchs support his plan to reach Asia by sailing west insted of going around the tip of Africa.Finally Qween Isabella and King Ferdinand said it was quicker and a good idea,but he needed to give them great welth,land,and would take Catholic Faith to the people of Spain.He set sail Oct10, 1492.When they landed they thougt they were in Africa but weren't. -
Sep 6, 1498
The Vasco da Gama
V. da Gama sailed around Cape Of Good Hope to India.Vasco da Gama was the first European to find a water route to Asia! Soon afterward he sailed back to Portugal with his ship full of spices. V. da Gama had finally found a sea route to Asia, showing the way for future explorations!