Sep 16, 1500
European countries claimed land in the Americas
- Spain,Portugal, and England 3.Americas 4.They set up colonies 5.spain tried to overpower native American tribes for land
Oct 7, 1507
New france
3.Jacques Cartier
4.French Merchants wanted wealth from trade furs
5.Cartier explored the st. Lawrence river -
Apr 24, 1550
Bartolome De La Casas was against Native Americans rights
2.Spain and Portugal
3.Carribean Island,Spain,Portugal,Brazil
4.Bartolome didnt like the slavery and conditions for Native Americans
5.Most Native Americans were purchased to take to Carribean Island and Brazil. -
Jan 5, 1560
the king rules
- the king and Native Americans 3.spain
- the king chose new leaders for each new settlement 5.the settlers did not have rights to elect leaders
Jan 29, 1565
Protecting lands north of Mexico city
4.The claims Spain wanted were the Borderlands
5.Spanish soldiers led a way to the Borderlands. -
the lost colony
- Walter Raleigh 4.Roanoke Island
- they sailed to get supplies and when they returned all settlers were gone
the virginia company
- English Merchants 4.Virginia 5.English Merchants wanted to try again to start a colony
- John Smith 4.Chesapeake and Jamestown 5.along the shore of Chesapeake they built the settlement of Jamestown
Native Americans at the religeous settlements
- missionaries and Native Americans 3.missions,Haciendas and borderlands 4.some Native Americans chose to stay at the missions
- some were forced to work on mission farms
The pilgrims journey
3.John Smith
4.The region included:Connecticut,Rhode Island,massachusetts,maine,New Hampshire,and Vermont
5.John Smith named the region "New England" and wrote a book about it -
House of Burgesses
3.Virginia colony
5.colonist set up legislature because virrginia said they have rights. -
The mayflower Compact
3.John Smith
4.the settlers arrived in a place with no government
5.It gave them the right to govern themselves. -
Building a colony
3.Samoset and Tisquantum
4.the first winter was cold and 50 out of 102 settlers died
5.He helped the colonist trade furs with Native Americans -
Pohawtan war
2.Colonist,Native Americans, and Pochahantas
4.colonist were stealing food and wanted war but pochahantas made peace -
New Netherland
- Peter Minuet
- the Dutch set up a colony in order to profit from fur trade 5.the Dutch thought they bought Manhattan from Native Americans
New Sweden and more conflicts
3.New Sweden and Algonquian
4.Dutch colonist and the algonquian had a strong fur trade relationship
5.Conflicts with Native Americans had grown because cleared land for farms