europe timeline

By shugy
  • What You Need To Know About Rationing In The Second World War

    What You Need To Know About Rationing In The Second World War
    In January 1940, the British government introduced food rationing. The scheme was designed to ensure fair shares for all at a time of national shortage.
  • Invasion of Iceland

    Invasion of Iceland
    United Kingdom issued a message to Iceland stating her willingness to defend Iceland (Iceland had no military force of her own) if Iceland would allow British forces to establish presence there.
  • Francisco Franco

    Francisco Franco
    lifelong military figure in Spain, Francisco Franco rose through the ranks until the early 1940s, when he found himself, a right-wing monarchist, in the midst of a left-wing republic.
  • Italy declares war on France and Great Britain

    Italy declares war on France and Great Britain
    It was about after withholding formal allegiance to either side in the battle between Germany and the Allies, Benito Mussolini, dictator of Italy, declares war on France and Great Britain.

    Beginning in 1941, Jews from all over the continent, as well as hundreds of thousands of European Gypsies, were transported to the Polish ghettoes.

    Germans worked to secure Germany's ties in southeastern Europe. Hungary, Romania, and Slovakia all joined the Axis alliance in November 1940. During the spring of 1941, Hitler initiated his eastern European allies into plans to invade the Soviet Union.
    The Red Army invades. An armistice is signed in September. Finland concedes more land to the Soviet Union and agrees to pay hundreds of millions of dollars in war reparations
  • The present borders of Belarus were established during the turmoil of World War II.

    The present borders of Belarus were established during the turmoil of World War II.
    The former Soviet republic was occupied by the Nazis between 1941 and 1944, when it lost 2.2 million people including almost all of its large Jewish population.
  • Sweden and the United Nations

    Sweden and the United Nations
    The United Nations was founded in 1945 and Sweden became a member of the organisation in 1946. Since then, active participation in the UN has been a natural part of Swedish foreign policy.
  • France Under the Fourth Republic

    France Under the Fourth Republic
    Third Republic in 1940 and the termination of World War II, the year 1947 was supposed to inaugurate the definitive era of the Fourth Republic
  • warsaw

    the warsaw
  • first living creature

    government launched aputnits
  • olympics

    olympics held in alstralia
  • olympics

    olympics started in 1968
  • Edward health

    he resind from maininester
  • Margater thatcher

    rebated for british
  • eta fighting

    eta stand for euskadi ta askatasuna
  • gro harlem

    gro spent 10 years as a physical and scientist
  • china

    fourth world conference on women opens in china
  • Jan karlssos

    Jan karlssos is elected for president