Philip III of Spain
He was the son of Philip II and Anne of Austria. In April 1599 the king married his Habsburg cousin the Austrian archduchess Margaret. -
Galileo proves that the earth orbits the sun
The observations of the firmament made thanks to the telescope proved to Galileo that the objections to the Copernican theory, according to which the Earth and the planets revolved around the Sun, were true. -
30 years war
The 30 years War was a politic-religious war that had place in Central Europe and involved the major European powers of the first half of the 17th century. It began in 1618 and ended in 1648. -
Philip lV (Spain)
He was son of Philip lll of Spain. He had a daughter (Marie-Thérèse of Austria) and a son (Juan José of Austria). -
Peace of Westphalia
The Peace of Westphalia ended the 30 years war. -
Charles ll (Spain)
Charles II known as the Bewitched, was the last Habsburg ruler of the Spanish Empire. -
Spanish war of succesion
Was an international war -
Treaty of Utrecht
Is a peace agreement between England and France -
Louis XIV of france died
He was the king of france and he died with and infection in his leg -
DIderot and d'Alembert
They were philosofers and writers who made the map of the system of human knowldege -
7 year's war
was a global conflict that spanned five contintents -
First industrial Revolution
Was a period of global transition of human economy -
American revolution
was an ideological and political revolution based on the principles of the American Enlightenment -
French revolution
Was a period of major social upheaval -
Edward jenner vaccine
he created the first vaccine for smallpoxx