Europe in the 18th Century

  • King Louis XIV Dies

    King Louis XIV died on September 01, 1715, leaving France thousands of dollars worth of debt. This debt was due to his elaborate spending habits. After his death, The Regency took power under Philippe d'Orleans.
  • New Orleans Is Founded

    New Orleans was founded by French explorer Jean-Baptiste Le Moyne de Bienville in 1718. This was a big deal for the French because it gave them gulf access which allowed for more trade. This trade helped restore the French economy.
  • Slavery Ends in Russia

    In 1723, Peter the Great abolished slavery in Russia. He converted all household slaves to serfs.
  • The First Great Awakening

    The First Great Awakening took place in Great Britain and North America from 1730-1760. Prior to this movement, secular ideas were becoming more common and religion had become more of a dull concept. The Great Awakening revived religious fervor in these areas.
  • The Year of Slaughter

    The Irish Famine took place from 1740-1741. It killed about 20% of the Irish population, having devastating effects on the Irish economy. The loss of this many people quickly decreased the workforce and made it harder to produce goods and trade.
  • The Seven Years War

    The Seven Years War took place in 1754-1763 and was primarily fought by French and British troops. The British eventualy won the war which vastly increased their territory in North America, however it also severly impacted their economics. The war almost doubled the international debt of Britain. The war also worsened the French's debt and weakened the monarchy, eventually contributing to the start of the French Revolution.
  • The Revolutionary War

    The Revolutionary War was fought between Britain and the American colonies between 1775-1783. The British lost this war which plunged them into even more debt. By the end of the war, Britain had a yearly interest of about 10 million pounds or $243,392,325 modern dollars. However, the Revolutionary War also created jobs in Britain, lowering the unemployment rate.
  • Austria Abolished Serfdom

    Austria abolished serfdom in 1781. The end of serfdom effected Austria socially because serfs now had more rights and freedoms. It also effected Austria economically because their were more people to work in agricultural jobs which increased overall agriculture production. This helped Austria's economy.
  • Black Sea Port Secured in Russia

    In 1784 Catherine II "The Great" secured a sea port on the Black Sea for Russia. Previously a landlocked country, Russia now had the ability to trade with many nations which greatly increased their funds.
  • The French Revolution

    The French Revolution
    The French Revolution took place from 1789-1799. It changed the social and political system in France by eliminating the French monarchy, feudalism, and taking power away from the catholic church.