Europe from 1649-1949: becoming a liberal democracy

  • Thomas Hobbes: Leviathan

    Thomas Hobbes: Leviathan
    Hobbes debating the importance of social contract theory and more importantly the need to for people to give up their power contributed in europe becoming a liberal democracy
  • Montesquieu: Spirit of the Laws

    Montesquieu: Spirit of the Laws
    This book pulbished by an enlightenment thinker contributed the idea of different branches of government. This is important in creating what we consider modern liberal democracies
  • French Revolution: Declaration des droite de l'homme

    French Revolution: Declaration des droite de l'homme
    This event and document served to push enlightenment ideas into law
  • David Ricardo: On the Principles of Political Economy and Taxation

    David Ricardo: On the Principles of Political Economy and Taxation
    This document outlines the importance of capitalism in modern European liberal democracies. Capitalism is the ideology which puts at its forfront individual rights
  • Karl Marx: Das Kapital

    Karl Marx: Das Kapital
    The importance of Marxs and communist ideology in making europe a liberal democracy rests in the protection of social rights across europe. Healthcare and free education is a must in modern european liberal democracies
  • World War Two london Blitz

    World War Two london Blitz
    World War Two and more specifically the London Blitz contributed to modern Europe. The distruction of major cities pressured governments to find solution. The solution that would arrive: the eu, is base on social contract at the international level