Fall of rome

Europe After The Fall Of Rome

  • 476

    Fall of Rome (476)

    Fall of Rome (476)
    Last Roman emperors were overthrown by Germanic invaders. This is a change because it leads the western world into what is known as the Dark Ages. The Dark Ages refers to the lack of language, literacy, math and architecture in most of the Western world.
  • 570

    The Prophet Muhammad Is Born (570)

    The Prophet Muhammad Is Born (570)
    The prophet Muhammad is believed to be the last messenger of God, or as the Muslim people know him, Allah. Muhammad is a change because he creates and raises a mighty religion (Islam) which will soon take over much of the western world.
  • Oct 27, 732

    Muslim Invaders From Spain Are Defeated (732)

    Mayor Charles Martel defeats Muslim invaders from Spain in the Battle of Tours. As a result, northern Europe remains firmly Christian. This is a change because it stops the spread of the Muslim religion from spreading any more into Europe.
  • Oct 27, 768

    Charlemagne Is Crowned (768)

    Charlemagne Is Crowned (768)
    Charlemagne’s rule begins. It will last 48 years. This is change
    because he begins to unite western Europe and laid the foundations for modern day France and Germany.
  • Oct 27, 800

    Vikings Attack (800 - 899)

    Vikings Attack (800 - 899)
    Many Vikings attack occur along the European coast. Alfred the great fended off many of these attacks until his death in 899.This shows a continuity because the Vikings were much like other invaders like the Germanic and Mongols who continued and attacked many of the regions at the time.
  • Oct 27, 814

    Charlemagne Dies (814)

    Charlemagne Dies (814)
    Charlemagne dies at the age of 72 which ceases the unification of all of western Europe. This is a continuity because Europe never truly went back to being reunited all together like it was before the fall of Rome.
  • Oct 27, 840

    Louis the Pious Dies (840)

    Louis the Pious Dies (840)
    Louis the Pious Dies. This is a continuity because Louis and his brothers had been fighting about the territory left by their deceased father Charlemagne which led to the empire continuing to never being unified.
  • Oct 27, 1000

    Trade and Town Life Begin to Revive (10000)

    Products were traded in towns in Europe and countries beyond. The craftspeople found a way to control their own trades. This is a change because trade began to come back since the fall of Rome.
  • Oct 27, 1066

    William's Army Invades England (1066)

    King William conquers England. Using the feudalism system he divides the country. This is a continuity because feudalism was in continuous use since 470.
  • Rise of Byzantine Empire (330)

    The Byzantine Empire or referred to as the Eastern Roman Empire was ruled by Justinian. The Byzantine empire is a change because it survived the fall of Rome and continued to be a dominate force with an outstanding economy and continued to stand against foreign invaders.