
  • Wedgwood begins manufacturing pottery

    Wedgwood begins manufacturing pottery
  • James Watt builds improved steam train

    James Watt builds improved steam train
    He actually improved the engine with his steam powered machine.
  • Hargreaves invents spinning jenny

    Hargreaves invents spinning jenny
    The spinning jenny is a multi-spindle spinning frame, it was used for weaving.
  • James Watt invents first rotative engine

    James Watt invents first rotative engine
  • First camera

    First camera
    Johann Zahn designed the first camera in 1685. But the first photograph was clicked by Joseph Nicephore Niepce in the year 1814.
  • First steam engine railroad built by Stevenson

    First steam engine railroad built by Stevenson
    George Stephenson built Locomotion No. 1 for the Stockton and Darlington Railway, north-east England, which was the first public steam railway in the world.
  • Great exhibition opens in London's Crystal Palace

    Great exhibition opens in London's Crystal Palace
  • Mass production of steel invented

    Mass production of steel invented
  • Construction of the London underground Rail system begins

    Construction of the London underground Rail system begins
  • Internal combustion engine developed in Germany

    Internal combustion engine developed in Germany
  • First electric trams

    First electric trams
    In germany
  • First automobile developed by Daimler and Benz

    First automobile developed by Daimler and Benz
  • Wireless telegraph invented by Marconi

    Wireless telegraph invented by Marconi