
  • 3000 BCE

    Minoan Society Rises Island of Crete

    Minoan Society Rises Island of Crete
    The Minoan's arose on the island of Crete. They were named after Minos. Because of their success, the island of Crete became a hub of sorts for Mediterranean commerce.
  • 2200 BCE


    Indo-European people came into the greek peninsula, primarily for trade. They interacted with the Minoans; they taught them the writing and construction skills necessary for large civilizations. However, the Minoan civilizations collapsed, and the Mycenaeans built large structures using the Minoan designs. This gave the Mycenae civilization its name.
  • 800 BCE


    Rather than a caste system, the eastern Mediterranean adopted polis, which is better known as city-states. Later on, these will become the most used form of social control. Spartan and Athens lead greek society through the use if city-states.
  • 800 BCE

    Phoenician Alphabet

    Phoenician Alphabet
    "Remember how easy it was to learn your ABC's? Thank the Phonecians; they invented them." Due to new societies being involved in more trade, they needed a common alphabet that all of them could understand. The Phoenician alphabet is still used today. The growth of greek culture was influenced by Socrates as well, He was a philosopher who challenged people to reflect and think differently.
  • 753 BCE

    Legend of Romulus and Remus and the founding of Rome.

    Legend of Romulus and Remus and the founding of Rome.
    Legend says that the city-state of Rome was founded by Romulus and Remus. Who we're abandoned at birth but raised by wolves. Eventually, they founded Rome on seven hills. Then they had a falling out on who would rule over Rome. Romulus won and Remus disappeared.
  • 498 BCE

    Persian Wars

    Persian Wars
    Due to the greeks spread to southern ital and Sicily and the black sea, even though they were independent it still brought conflict to Persia, and Persia wanted to conquer the Greek peninsula. 300 warriors fought the Persian army which was lead by Xerxes
  • 146 BCE

    Punic Wars

    Punic Wars
    After roam kept hold of Italy, they expanded through the Mediterranean, until they came across Carthage, which Rome promptly destroyed and enslaved. Which lead them to have the ability to take over North Africa, Sicily, and the Iberian Peninsula. In return, this made them the most powerful city in the Mediterranean.
  • 100 BCE

    Julius Caesar

    Julius Caesar
    After a civil war between Roman classes because of a republican style government and latifundia, Julius Caesar who came from a roman family active in their cities politics. After Ceasar returned from Spain he ran for political office and became a counsel. He then raised an army and conquered Gaul. Which is modern-day France.
  • 30

    Jesus of Nazareth

    Jesus of Nazareth
    Jesus of Nazareth came along to teach his devotion to God rather than to Rome itself. In return, Roman administrators became nervous and were seen as a threat to Pax Romana. Because of this he was executed and crucified.
  • 1400

    Age of Exploration

    Age of Exploration
    This was when Europeans began exploring the world in search of new trade, mostly by sea. However, most crews lacked the funding required for such voyages. Which prompted many to turn to the rising governments that have a use for such voyages.