The Serbs Revolt
The Serbs were the first to revolt which sparked every other revolt. The leaders of this revolt was Karageorge. The Serbs battled the Ottomans in a hard battle, the Serbs were struggling. While the Serbs were struggling in the fight the culture, and literature strengthened, which helped the Serbian Nationalism. Sadly the Revolt was unsuccessful. -
Period: to
The Age of Revolutions
This was a time where people were unhappy with how they were being treated, and who was ruling them. There were many revolts in many places all over the world. Europe was the main place where revolts were taking place during this age of revolt. -
The Serbs Second Revolt
The second rebellion was led by Milos Obrenovic in 1815. This revolt worked, because russia helped them in their revolt against the Ottoman Empire. The Russians helped the Serbs because they shared the same language and religion. So thanks to the revolt the serbs won autonomy, or self-rule. -
Greeks revolt
In 1821 the Greeks revolted to end the Ottoman rule. The greeks were not successful at all at first, but after years of war they came together and gained a national identity. THe Greeks were supported by romantic writers like English poet Lord Byron, who fought for the Greek independence. -
The Greeks become Independent
The Greek rebels won "sympathy" from the conservative powers of Europe. In the late 1820's the Greeks became independent in some of their provinces, but in 1830 Greeks were fully independent. Though the European powers made the Greeks accept Otto von Wittelsbach as their king showed that the European powers did not like the nationalist revolutions. -
The Serbs and Ottoman Empire come to an agreement
Serbia was gaining self-rule in the Ottoman Empire. So an agreement was met where the Serbs had control over their own internal affairs which gave them "independence". This was earned by the Serbs through 2 hard fought revolts even though only one was successful. Other countries did not recognize that Serbia had independence until 1878. -
The July Revolt
After Louis XVIII died his brother took the throne in july 1830 he suspended legislature, limited the right to vote, and restricted the press. So the people fired back and set up barricades, and shot at the soldiers in revolt. After a few days the rebels controlled Paris, so Charles X abdicated and fled England. -
The Revolution In France
The Revolution of 1848 in France was the start to the wave of revolutions across Europe. The middle class liberals wanted a greater share of political power, as well as protections for the rights for all male citizens. Workers wanted relief from miseries of the Industrial Revolution. Nationalists from all classes wanted to throw off foreign rule. -
Revolution in Venice
The Venetian Republic was established, when the Revolution broke out in Venice. The revolution in France would attract excited crowds, groups of men met to discuss the rumors. The government would call out the army, in fear of revolution. Barricades would come up and mob action would ensue. These revolutions took place in one city and that not all of the countries involved declared a republic, only their capitals did. -
The Revolutions die down
By 1850 all of the rebellions have died down, ending this period of rebellion that had started in 1789. These revolutions began to stop because they did not have a lot of support to keep them going, so their rebellions were unsuccessful. The rebellions also stopped, because everyone had different goals with their rebellions which caused people to fight, and not be united as one. Now the rebellions had died down and problems were solved by politics not rebellions. -
The American Civil War
The American Civil War was fought in the United States from 1861 to 1865. As a result of slavery, the war broke out in April 1861, when Confederate forces attacked Fort Sumter in South Carolina, shortly after U.S. President Abraham Lincoln was inaugurated. The Union faced the Confederate States, who wanted the rights to expand slavery.