
  • Jan 1, 1095


    The Crusades was a battle between Muslims and Christians over the holy Land. They both fought over it because for both of them it was where there god did a specific life changing thing. They have fought for years but it is now under Muslim control.
  • Jan 1, 1348

    Black Plague

    Black Plague
    The Black Plague was a diease that killed more than 2/3 of Europe. The plague was spread by rats and people. People had gone crazy when the diease started and had started to desert the people they had most loved. People had also started to believe that god caused all this and had start to whip themselves as punishment. Then rich people started to pay people to whip themselves instead getting hurt themselves.
  • Jan 1, 1350


    The Renaissance was when Italy went back to the time of the Greek and Roman period and focused on the arts and Literature. Rennaissance mean Re-birth.
  • Jan 1, 1517


    The Reformation was when Martin Luther didn't like the way's of the pope so he made his own Religion. He had protested many rules of the pope which had started Protestant.
  • Jan 1, 1558

    Elizabethan England

    Elizabethan England
    Elizabethan England was the time when Elizabeth the First was in power. It was also the time of Shakespeare. Shakespeare was a writer in that time. England that time had many plays and was home to many actors.
  • Creation of Vatican City

    Creation of Vatican City
    Was made in 1929 as a residing state for the pope. Resides in Rome, Italy but is it's own country.
  • European Union

    European Union
    The European Union is a bunch of European Countries trying to make one big Country with just states. Today it has most of Europe in the Union except a few who either don't want to be in it or want to get in but still haven't been accepted.
  • Chunnel

    The Chunnel is a train. It connect's Britian to France. It is underground.
  • Feudalism

    Feudalism was when Lords gave land to Nobles in return for Loyalty.