Roman Capitol moves to Byzantium
The Roman Empire capital was moved from Eastern Europe in Rome, to Western Europe in Byzantium by Constantine. He renamed it Constantinople. This was around the time that the Roman Empire spilt in 395. This lead to the fall of the Roman Empire. -
Constantine become the first Christian Emperor
Constantine was the last emperor to rule over the united Roman Empire before it split. He then chose to rule over Eastern Europe. He is most widely known for being the first Christian Emperor. He converted while in power, making it so other christian were no longer charged a death sentence for practicing their religion. -
Fall of the Roman Empire
After Roman Empire had split, the Western half became more run down, and people left, until finally, in 476, the Western Empire fell. Invasions and the plague may have had some part in the decline of the Western Empire. -
Jan 1, 1071
Pop Urban II calls for a Holy War
There was a lot of fighting in Europe between different Kings, and the Pope wanted it to stop.They were destroying some Churches and Church land while fighting. He started by trying to put in laws about how muc h people could fight per year, but it didn't help. So then he called for a Holy War agasint the Muslims to try and win Jerusalem, but also to get people to fight someone else instead of eachother. -
Oct 1, 1376
Bubonic Plague hits Europe
In October of 1376, the Bubonic plague, also known as the Black Death, hit Europe. It hit in Constantinople. Rats from the incoming ships carried fleas that brought the disease. It wiped out an average of 35-70% of the people in towns. Some places as high as 90%. This caused peasants to flee there lands, which in turn brought the end of feudalism. -
French Revolution
The French Revolution was a time where the people of France revolted against the King. They were angry with the prices of food that brough on malnutrition and hunger because of the poor crops that had been grown. France was close to bankrupcy, and the people weren't happy. They fought there way to a Republic, overthrowing the King. -
WWI ends
On November 11th, 1918, the Armistice was signed by leaders the Allies, and the Central Powers. WWI is known to be the sixth deadliest conflict in world history, leaving around 10,000,000 dead. The Allies, made up of Russia, United Kingdom, and France, fought agasint the Central Powers, made up of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy. -
WWII ends
WWII was the most widespread war in histroy. It resulted in 50 million, to 70 million deaths. It is the deadliest conflict in world histroy. The war is said to have been started when Germany invaded Poland. The war ended when Germany surrendered to the Western Allies. -
Berlin Wall Is Torn Down
The Berlin wall was a wall built by the German Democratic Republic (East Germany) that cut off East Germany from West Berlin. People in East Germany didn't like the freedom restrictions, and fled to Austria-Hungary. People protested the wall being up, and protested not being allowed to flee, so eventually after much protest, some parts of the wall were opened. Leading to the wall being torn down in 1989. -
Charlemagne crowned king of Western Europe
Charlemagne was the ruler of the Frankish Empire. He conqueured a large portion of Western Europe. In 800, the pope crowned Charlemagne the Emperor of Western Europe. He hoped that the chaos of Western Europe would be controled with Charlemagne in control.