Europa A.C

  • 80

    Roman Coliseum

    Roman Coliseum
    Here, gladiators, generally slaves, criminals, prisoners, or other individuals who had lost their rights as citizens, fought to the death.
  • 800


    He was emperor in 800 AC, he is considered the most important emperor of the Roman Empire
  • French Revolution

    French Revolution
    it put an end to absolutism, feudalism, serfdom, and the privileges of the clergy and nobility. His mottos were "liberty, equality and fraternity." Together with the Industrial Revolution, it marks the beginning of a new era in European history, known as the Contemporary Age.
  • Pan-European Union

    Pan-European Union
    The first interwar initiative of the European integration process is due to Richard Nikolaus Coundenhove-Kalergi, he had a cosmopolitan vision that brought him closer to the conception of Europeanism as a pacifist movement and overcoming nationalism.
  • Briand project

    Briand project
    At the annual meeting of the Assembly of the League of Nations, the French foreign minister, Aristide Briand, proposed the establishment of a European Federal Union, to coordinate economic and political tactics.
  • Benelux Treaty

    Benelux Treaty
    The governments of Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg exiled in London signed the treaty establishing their Customs Union.
  • Second World War

    Second World War
    Europe had to wait for a second catastrophe for the suicidal absurdity to which the nationalist rivalry had led the continent to be fully appreciated.
  • Winston Churchill speech

    Winston Churchill speech
    Held at the University of Zurich, it was a historic speech, in which he called for the creation of the "United States of Europe." In which he, at that time, former British Prime Minister, planted what will be the first ideas of the European Community
  • Marshall Plan

    Marshall Plan
    Also known as the "European Reconstruction Program", this aid plan required prior coordination by European countries for its implementation. The Americans promoted the creation of a centralized European organization that will administer and organize the distribution of the massive economic aid they would receive from the Marshall Plan.
  • Organization for European Economic Cooperation (OECE)

    Organization for European Economic Cooperation (OECE)
    The OECE helped liberalize trade between member states; It introduced ideas tending to monetary agreements and development, in general, economic cooperation in concrete aspects.
  • Foundation of the Economic Community of Coal and Steel.

    Foundation of the Economic Community of Coal and Steel.
    The Treaty made it possible to establish the foundations of the community architecture by creating an executive body such as "High Authority", a Parliamentary Assembly, a Council of Ministers, a Court of Justice and a Consultative Committee.
  • Signing of the Constitutive Treaty of the European Defense Community (CED)

    Signing of the Constitutive Treaty of the European Defense Community (CED)
    Idea that proposed that the CED could assume the territorial defense of Western Europe in the event of conflict with the Soviet bloc. Without the accession of Great Britain and the internal problems of France limited its operation.
  • force of the Treaty of Paris

    force of the Treaty of Paris
    The effects on the production and commercialization of coal, pig iron, etc. begin.
  • Signature of the Treaties of Rome

    Signature of the Treaties of Rome
    These being an instrument for the creation of supranational entities with their own personality, these were: The European Economic Community (EEC) and the European Atomic Community (EURATOM).
  • Signature of the Brussels Treaty

    Signature of the Brussels Treaty
    It entailed the unification of the different community executives: the Councils of Ministers of the EEC, CECA and EURATOM; in addition, the two Commissions EEC, EURATOM and the High Authority of the CECA are replaced by a Council and a Single Commission.
  • Werner Plan

    Werner Plan
    O Economic and Monetary Union in stages, it sought: monetarist and economic conciliation, it defended the single currency but in the medium or long term and the realization of the Economic Union.
  • Summit of Heads of State and Government in The Hague

    Summit of Heads of State and Government in The Hague
    Its objectives: to regain solidarity and consensus among governments to finish the integration process through the EEC, seek to overcome the customs union to open the way to economic and monetary union and for France to withdraw the veto on the entry of Great Britain
  • Enlargement Treaty

    Enlargement Treaty
    The four new members (United Kingdom, Ireland, Denmark and Norway) accepted the Treaties of the Communities and a five-year transit period was set for them to adapt their legislation and reduce their customs duties until they were abolished.
  • Brussels Treaty

    Brussels Treaty
    He created the Court of Accounts, the Community's accounting and financial control body. Likewise, Parliament obtained the right to reject the budget and to approve the Commission's discharge in its execution.
  • European Monetary System

    European Monetary System
    They proposed to use the experience of the European Investment Bank to build a common currency constituted through the European Account Unit (ECU), as well as an exchange rate and intervention mechanism, which would guarantee the fluctuation margins of the currencies and the transfer and credit mechanism, aimed at ordering the free movement of capital.
  • Genscher Plan - Colombo

    Genscher Plan - Colombo
    political initiative sponsored by Dietrich Genscher and Emilio Colombo. It was the project of the European Act and economic integration, it presented common policies, especially in foreign relations and greater ties of cooperation in cultural and legal matters.
  • Schengen Agreement

    Schengen Agreement
    It establishes a common space (called the Schengen area) through which anyone who has regularly entered through an external border or resides in one of the countries that applies the convention can move freely.
  • Single European Act

    Single European Act
    Single Act: to simultaneously carry out the great market without borders, plus economic and social cohesion, strengthening of the European Monetary System, European social space and significant actions for the environment.
  • Maastricht Treaty

    Maastricht Treaty
    Its objective was to prepare the monetary union and introduce elements for political unity.
  • Treaty of the European Union

    Treaty of the European Union
    It is a treaty that modifies the founding treaties of the European Communities: The Paris Treaty of 1951; the treaties of Rome 1957 and the single European act 1986 (merger of the previous treaties) The initial economic objective of the communities is exceeded for the first time and is given a political vocation
  • the Treaty of Oporto

    the Treaty of Oporto
    The Oporto Treaty was signed in 1992, which would launch the European Economic Area (EEA), which constituted an extra-community common market seeking the accession of 4 EFTA countries, Sweden, Austria, Finland and Norway, who in June 1994 signed the Accession but Norway remains outside where it happened to the Europe of the Fifteen.
  • Treaty of Amsterdam

    Treaty of Amsterdam
    Its objective was to reform the institutions of the Union to prepare for the arrival of future member countries; there is the modification and consolidation of the EEC and EU treaties, as well as greater transparency in decision-making.
  • Europe 25

    Europe 25
    Accession of the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Cyprus and Malta. With this accession, the traditional division of the great powers decided sixty years earlier at the Yalta conference ends, becoming the Europe of the 25.
  • Open Skies Agreement

    Open Skies Agreement
    The objective of said Treaty is to allow European and American airlines to operate routes between any city in both territories. It is also agreed to strengthen economic relations.
  • Lisbon Treaty

    Lisbon Treaty
    With this Treaty, the EU has its own legal personality to sign international agreements at the community level.
  • Financial crisis

    Financial crisis
    EU leaders call for reform of the financial system, greater international supervision, a global early warning system in cases of crises, and globally applicable regulatory standards that ensure transparency and accountability.
  • European Stability Mechanism

    European Stability Mechanism
    The European Council adopted a comprehensive package of measures to deal with crises, as well as to prevent such crises from materializing in the future.
  • Budget Pact

    Budget Pact
    Its aim is to strengthen its budgetary discipline in the euro area through the "budgetary balance rule" and a correction mechanism.
  • Single Supervisory Mechanism for Banks

    Single Supervisory Mechanism for Banks
    The European Central Bank assumes the role of monitoring, together with the national authorities, that banks in the euro area act safely and reliably.
  • UK referendum on leaving the European Union

    UK referendum on leaving the European Union
    The UK will remain a member of the EU until negotiations on the terms of its departure are concluded. EU leaders, together with the Presidents of the European Council and the European Commission, are meeting for the first time without the participation of the United Kingdom.
  • They delay the rupture of the European Union with the United Kingdom

    They delay the rupture of the European Union with the United Kingdom
    The date for the UK to leave the community block was scheduled for Friday, April 12, after the original deadline, set for March 29, was not met.