Eureka Timeline

  • James Scobie is murdered

    James Scobie is murdered outside Bentley' Eureka Hotel in Ballarat
  • James Bentley arrested

    James Bentley, owner of the Eureka Hotel is arrested for the murder of James Scobie
  • Protest meeting

    Miners hold a protest meeting because they are angree that James Bentley was released from jail by his friend Magistrate Dawes
  • Eureka Hotel set on fire

    Miners set fire to Bentley's Hotel as revenge for killing James Scobie
  • Ballarat Reform League formed.

    The miners formed a new protest group called the Ballarat Reform League. They send a list of demands to Governor Hotham.
  • Hotham rejects miners demands.

  • Meeting at Bakery Hill

    Miners are furious that Governor Hotham rejected their demands and hold a meeting at Bakery Hill. 10 000 miners attend and some of them burn their gold licences in protest. The ladies make the Eureka Stockade flag.
  • Gold Commissioner Rede orders arrests.

    Gold Commissioner Rede orders the troops to arrest any miner without a gold licence. The troops are ordered to show no mercy.
  • Peter Lalor elected leader

    Angry miners meet at Bakery Hill and decide to fight for their rights. They elect Peter Lalor as their leader. They take an oath to fight together and accept the southern cross as their flag.
  • Eureka Stockade built.

    1500 miners march with Peter Lalor and build a stockade at the Eureka diggings.
  • Battle of Eureka Stockade

    The troopers surprise the miners in an attack at Eureka Stockade. The miners are outnumbered and the battle only takes 15 minutes. Peter Lalor is shot but escapes. Hundreds of miners are arrested and 13 men are charged with treason.
  • Reward for Lalor's arrest

    Peter Lalor was wounded at the battle and had his arm chopped off. He escaped to Geelong with the help of the miners, Father Smyth and Alicia Dunne. Governor Hotham sets a reward is for Peter Lalors capture.
  • Miners are found not guilty.

    Miners are found not guilty of treason in a trial in Melbourne
  • Peter Lalor elected!

    Peter Lalor is elected to parliament.