220px canvas town south melbourne victoria 1850s

Eureka Stockade

  • licenses

    the miners had to have a licenses because the police and government said that they own the land that the miners worked on.
  • How it began

    How it began
    the stockade started with a disagreement by the miners bcause they felt the law was unfare bcause the couldn't clam there land in witch the workedon and the we told the had to get licenses to be able to work on the land. and if the did not carry there license with the thw would get fined and arrested.
  • Eureka stockade

    Eureka stockade
    The eureka stockade was a war with the gold miners and the government because the law was not fair. On the 3 December 1854 just before dawn, the stockade started. it had only gone for 20 minutes but in the time, 30 men where killed.
  • After the Eureka Stockade

    After the Eureka Stockade
    after the war that had happen the royal commission was to investigate the miners request. There was a improvements on the goldfields. The miners were given the right and the right to vote.