Eureka stockade

Eureka Stockade

By 20simsj
  • licence fee increased

    licence fee increased
    License fee increased adding to miners anger.
    Many diggers are finding the Licence fee more expensive and unfair, particularly to those who are not finding gold. They are unhappy with the treatment they are receiving from the police and government authorities who they believe are corrupt. Other diggers wish to purchase land for farming if they can’t find any gold, as well as wanting the right to vote at elections.
  • Robert Rede becomes Ballarat’s Gold Commissioner.

    Robert Rede becomes Ballarat’s Gold Commissioner.
    Robert Rede becomes Ballarat’s resident Gold Commissioner.
  • James Bentley, Thomas Farrell and William Hance were convicted of manslaughter

    James Bentley, Thomas Farrell and William Hance were convicted of manslaughter
    James Bentley, Thomas Farrell and William Hance were convicted of the manslaughter of James Scobie who was a Scottish miner who had been found dead near James Bentley’s Eureka Hotel.