Eureka stockade

Eureka stockade

  • Period: to

    event 1

    James Scobie was murdered which lead to James Bentley being arrested for the murder
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    event 2

    a few of the miners burnt down Eureka inn
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    event 3

    the miner protested against the licences
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    event 4

    the miners burned there licences
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    event 5

    some of the miners wives made them the Eureka flag
  • event 6

    the commissioner made the laws on licences even stricter
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    event 6

    the commissioner made the licence laws even stricter
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    event 7

    the miners elected peter lalor as there leader
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    event 8

    the miners started to build the Eureka stockade
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    event 9

    the stockade was attacked
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    event 10

    the miners were captured but peter lalor escaped although his arm was amputated