Eucharistic Timeline

  • 16 BCE

    The Torah

    The Torah was written in 16th Century BCE
  • 33

    The Last Supper

    The Eucharist was created at the last supper between Jesus and his Disciples
  • 33


    That the body was represented by the bread and the blood was represented by the blood.
  • 33


    The bread was used as the body of christ and the wine was used as the blood of christ
  • 56

    The Eucharist and Passover

    This event included Jesus telling his disciples, This is my body which will be given up for you. He also said, this is my blood, which will be poured out for you.
  • 384

    Latin Language

    Latin was now the language of the liturgy
  • Jun 13, 1215

    Fourth Lateran Council

    Law was passed to give people the right to the lay people to receive communion
  • Jan 1, 1570

    Pope Puis the V

    Pope Pius published a roman missal that thoroughly explained the ritual of the Eucharist
  • New Law

    Children had to be a certain age of maturity to receive holy communion
  • Changes

    the script for the Eucharist has changed overtime as there is no set script in order to complete the Eucharist