
By ConorG
  • 1440 BCE

    the Passover

    The Passover was an event celebrated by the Israelites as it was their escape from Egyptian slavery where they put a sacrificed lambs blood on their door posts to save them from God as it told him to only kill the Egyptian first born children. They later celebrated it as their escape from slavery.
  • 1 BCE

    Jesus' Last Supper

    Jesus' Last Supper
    Jesus sat down with his disciples to have dinner (supper) with them and gave them bread representing his body and wine representing his blood and he blessed it and gave it to them. He was captured after this dinner and taken to be killed.
  • Period: 30 to 64

    St. Paul

    St. Paul asserts that the wine and the bread are Jesus' blood and body and that there are consequences to not participating in the Eucharist. He also says in the bible “Whoever, therefore, eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of profaning the body and blood of the Lord” to the Corinthians.
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    John shows that the worship of the Eucharist corresponds to finding fulfillment in your worship of God. John shows that Christians already take part in this heavenly worship of the Passover lamb. He says this shows the proclamation of God’s revelation, incense, songs, angel and prayer.
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    St. Ignatius

    St. Ignatius
    St. Ignatius who had been a disciple of St. John said to people who don't believe in the existence of a Christian God, that “they abstain from the Eucharist and from prayer, because they do not confess that the Eucharist is the flesh of our Savior Jesus Christ, flesh which suffered for our sins and which the Father, in his goodness, raised up again”.
  • 1264

    Feast of corpus christi

    Feast of corpus christi
    In the Early Church, the adoration of the Body and Blood of Christ was restricted to the Eucharistic celebration and communion. but during the 13th century St. Juliana of Liege talked and tried to introduce more adoration of the body and blood of christ.
  • Pope Pius X

    This Pope Pius would become known as the “Pope of the Blessed Sacrament”. He promoted daily communion as the shortest way to Heaven. He also lowered the first communion from age 12 to 7.
  • COVID-19

    Covid also changed the communion as usually everyone would drink the wine and the priest would wipe the chalice. But after covid they no longer offer the wine to people and only give the bread also refusing to give people the bread straight into their mouth.