
  • 1 CE

    The Dawning

    The Dawning
    The Dawning marks the creation of Eternum by primordial beings and gods drawn to the forming star. They shape the land, seas, and skies, creating a world brimming with potential.
  • Period: 1 CE to Jul 16, 800

    The History of Eternum

  • 42

    The Dawn War

    The Dawn War
    A colossal conflict erupts as the gods decide to fight the primordials. The battle rages across the nascent world, reshaping the land and giving birth to powerful artifacts and ancient ruins.
  • 100

    The Binding

    The Binding
    The gods, having won the Dawn War, bind the surviving primordials beneath the earth, forming the foundations of Eternum's continents.
  • 115

    The Age of Creation

    The Age of Creation
    Gods create the races and place them on Eternum.
  • 120

    The Age of Titans

    The Age of Titans
    Colossal beings known as Titans emerge, ruling vast regions of Eternum. These Titans are both protectors and tyrants, shaping civilizations and landscapes with their immense power. Pictured is the only surviving titan, Kel`Rath whom wanders the deserts of Lucia with a city chained to his back.
  • 250

    The Great Sundering

    The Great Sundering
    A cataclysmic event caused by the clash of two Titans.
  • 255

    Birth of the Grove

    Birth of the Grove
    The reclusive society of elves form the capital of Eryndel.
  • 275

    The Spire of Frostholm

    The Spire of Frostholm
    Frostholm is founded with it's capital Glacia.
  • 300

    The First Kingdoms

    The First Kingdoms
    The first mortal kingdoms outside of Frostholm and the Grove are established as civilizations begin to flourish. The kingdoms of Avalor, Duskhaven, and the Steamforge Republic are among the earliest, each with its unique culture and governance.
  • 310

    The Finding

    The Finding
    The gnomes of Steamspire located an ancient civilization. Utilizing their advanced technology, it allowed them to create steam powered equipment including the first airship and the warforged.
  • 315

    The Age of Exploration

    The Age of Exploration
    Advancements in navigation and technology spur an era of exploration. Adventurers and scholars chart unknown territories, uncovering ancient ruins and lost civilizations.
  • 322

    The Aether Crystals

    The Aether Crystals
    The first Aether Crystal was located by an adventuring party.
  • 334

    The Emberforge

    The Emberforge
    Dwarven explorers found the Emberforge and create their capital Koranor.
  • 340

    The First Attunement

    The First Attunement
    The Dwarves of Koranor find out how to attune to their Aether Crystal empowering their nation.
  • 350

    Freedom of Drakoria

    Freedom of Drakoria
    Like-minded individuals found the Free Nations of Drakoria and it's capital Aridorn in the vast deserts of Lucia.
  • 365

    The Dreadlands Rise

    The Dreadlands Rise
    The Dreadlands are explored by a group of tieflings and they found their capital Blackrock.
  • 370

    The Shire

    The Shire
    A group of halflings from Avalor adventure eastbound, founding Rivershire and Greenmeadows.
  • 400

    The Arcane Ascendancy

    The Arcane Ascendancy
    Magic becomes more prevalent as mortals learn to harness the power of the Aether Crystals left by the gods and primordials. The Arcanum Enclave is founded, dedicated to the study and regulation of magic.
  • 425

    The Elemental Isles

    The Elemental Isles
    The Verdant Isles and Elysium are founded by a group of Genasi
  • 445

    The Dragon Scourge

    The Dragon Scourge
    Dragons descend upon Eternum, laying waste to cities and kingdoms. Heroes rise to combat the threat, leading to epic battles and the eventual retreat of the dragon hordes.
  • 446

    The Elemental Conclave

    The Elemental Conclave
    The Elemental Conclave is formed, uniting the elemental tribes and establishing a balance of power. This era sees the rise of the Elemental Lords and the establishment of Elysium as a center of elemental harmony.
  • 450

    The Alliance of Light

    The Alliance of Light
    In response to the Dragon Scourge, several kingdoms form the Alliance of Light, a coalition dedicated to mutual protection and the eradication of dark forces. This marks a period of relative peace and cooperation. This alliance was later renamed The Eternum Concord.
  • 476

    The Skystone Conflict

    The Skystone Conflict
    The Skystone Conflict was a pivotal event in the history of Eternum, marked by a clash over the ownership of floating islands in the Skystone Peaks. These islands, perpetually suspended in the skies, held significant strategic and mystical value, attracting the attention of various factions seeking to harness their resources. Dwarves & Genasi went to war with the Aarakocra.
  • 500

    The Horde

    The Horde
    The Orcs ransack Grimrock and lay claim to it's lands, pushing out an order of monks to the mountains above. They found their capital Ul`Gorr.
  • 515

    Shadow Uprising

    Shadow Uprising
    Nethrazir in the Darkweave Hollows is founded. The Legion of the Black Widow, led by the Matron Malice, rebels against the Alliance of Light shortly thereafter. This period is marked by espionage, skirmishes, and the rise of powerful shadow magic.
  • 535

    The Queen's Shadow

    The Queen's Shadow
    Nyxara in the Shadowlands is founded to worship their deity: The Raven Queen.
  • 576

    The Stormlords

    The Stormlords
    Rurik Thunderfist leads a group of warriors to Tempest Ridge to harness the very power of lightning. They form their capital Stormhold.
  • 582

    Bureau of Arcane Affairs

    Bureau of Arcane Affairs
    The Bureau of Arcane Affairs was created in 582 to regulate the use of magic and ensure the safety of citizens in Eternum. This came about due to several incidents where uncontrolled magic caused widespread destruction and posed significant risks to public safety. The bureau was tasked with licensing and monitoring arcane practitioners, investigating magical disturbances, and enforcing laws related to magical practices.
  • 667

    The Celestial Accord

    The Celestial Accord
    A pact between the gods and mortals to maintain balance and prevent another Dawn War. This leads to the creation of the Celestial Guardians, divine beings tasked with maintaining order in Eternum.
  • 670

    The Shadowfall Rebellion

    The Shadowfall Rebellion
    A major uprising within the Shadowlands, leading to the rise of Ravina Kel'Theris as its new leader.
  • 705

    The Siege of Ravenscar Keep

    The Siege of Ravenscar Keep
    A minor conflict between the Human Kingdom of Avalor and the Elven Dominion of The Eldergrove. Tensions over disputed borderlands rich in Aetherite deposits led to a protracted siege. The conflict escalated due to misunderstandings and a series of retaliatory attacks. It ended with a peace treaty mediated by neutral Genasi envoys.
  • 710

    The Red Plains Uprising

    The Red Plains Uprising
    In Rivershire, a sudden and violent rebellion erupted as a faction of Wayfarers attempted to seize control of agricultural Aether Crystals to enhance their yields. The Hearthkeepers, fearing the desecration of their sacred lands, rose in defense. The uprising was quelled, but it left deep scars within the halfling community.
  • 720

    War of the Crystals

    War of the Crystals
    As centuries passed, the allure of the Aether Crystals grew irresistible to the mortal races. The War of the Crystals erupted when the nations of Eternum began to covet these powerful relics, seeking to harness their energy for dominion and prosperity. This war was marked by unprecedented alliances and betrayals, as kingdoms rose and fell in their quest for supremacy.
  • 740

    The Battle of Frostfire Gorge

    The Battle of Frostfire Gorge
    A territorial dispute between Queen Isolde Frostbane's Iceclad Dominion and the Emberforge Dominion over a newly discovered Aether Crystal vein. The conflict was marked by brutal winter combat, with both sides utilizing their elemental affinities. It ended in a stalemate, with the crystal being declared neutral territory.
  • 788

    The Grim Harvest

    The Grim Harvest
    A powerful necromancer unleashes a plague of undeath, decimating entire regions. This event last several years and vanished suddenly without a trace.
  • 790

    The Fall of Outer Heaven

    The Fall of Outer Heaven
    The events of Outer Heaven unfold, involving the betrayal by a powerful figure and the unleashing of undead horrors. This marks the rise of the Blackwell vampires and the beginning of a new era of darkness.
  • 795

    The Assault on the Crimson Tower

    The Assault on the Crimson Tower
    A fierce battle occured at the Crimson Tower with agents of the B.A.A. against the Scarlet Order.
  • 796

    The Eldergrove Clash

    The Eldergrove Clash
    An unexpected confrontation in the Eldergrove Forest between the orcish Spiritwalkers of Grimrock and the druids of the Council of Elders. The orc nation abducted Princess Morgra Th`Rina. She was later returned by Warlord Grukthar Bloodfang after he challenged the previous Warlord to a duel on Warlord's Plateau. This caused peace to occur between both nations.
  • 800

    Present Day

    Present Day
    Eternum stands on the brink of a new age. Heroes rise to face looming threats, ancient powers stir from their slumber, and the fate of the world hangs in the balance. The winds of change are in the air, and the adventures of a lifetime await. Whereas there has been peace for some time, war is on the verge of exploding across the lands.