Emergency Decree "For the Protection for the People and State"
Allowed Nazis to remove political opponents before the elections took place; allowed the expulsion of all communists from the Reichstag; banned KPD (German Communist Party); allowed imprisonment without trial for an indefinite period for anyone deemed dangerous to the state; decree by Hindenburg -
Ministry for Popular Enlightenment and Propaganda
(Day is inaccurate) Controlled by Goebbels -
Period: to
All Other Political Parties Forced to Disband
(Days are inaccurate) -
Period: to
Peasant Debts Suspended
(Inaccurate days) 12 billion Reichsmarks -
Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service
(Day is inaccurate) "Alien elements" (non-Aryans, Jews, etc.) forced to retire, purged from administrative postions, court positions, educational positions; judges and lawyers had to interpret the law based on Nazi ideology -
Law for the Protection of Retail Trade
(Day is inaccurate) Forbade setting up of new department stores -
Trade Unions Dissolved and Formation of DAF
(Day is inaccurate)
Left-wing socialist trade unions dissolved; German Labour Front under Robert Lay set up to replace the trade unions; membership was compulsory -
Law to Reduce Unemployment
(Day is inaccurate) Arbeitsdienst; subsidies for private construction/renovation; income tax rebates/loans to encourage industrial activity -
SPD Banned
Catholic Concordat
The Catholic Centre Party was banned -
Law Against the Establishment of Parties
This law made it a criminal offence to organize any party outside the NSDAP -
Creation of Reich Food Estate and More
(Day is inaccurate) German Chamber of Culture; Reich Food Estate; Reich Economic Chamber; Reich Entailed Farm Law -
Law to Ensure the Unity of Party and State
Hitler's one-party state was legally established -
Länder Abolishment and Takeover
(Day is inaccurate) The Länder of Germany were abolished; everything placed under Nazi control -
Night of the Long Knives
Purge of Hitler's opponents (or people who threatened him); "it was done to forestall a revolt;" helped confirm Hitler's authority -
Army Swears Loyalty to Hitler
(Day is inaccurate) Hindenburg passes away, so Hitler becomes head of state; army swears personal oath of loyalty to Hitler -
New Plan
(Day is inaccurate) Devised by Schact; government regulated imports; trade was developed with less developed countries; German trade was developed with central and southeast Europe; led to series of trade agreements -
Remilitarization of the Rhineland
(Day and month are inaccurate) -
Four Year Plan
(Day is inaccurate) Hermann Goering was director; emphasis on autarky; chemical industry was encouraged; steelworks were developed; the production of heavy machinery was emphasized; controlled foreign activities; targets for private industry werre established -
Hossbach Conference
'Hossbach memorandum' - Hitler's aggressive plans for rapid expansion in the east -
Anschluss With Austria and Entry Into Czechoslovakia
(Day and month are inaccurate) Assets were taken away from Jews (worth over $800 million) -
Hitler's Invasion of Poland
Soviet Union's Invasion of Poland
July Bomb Plot of 1944
(Day may be inaccurate) Claus von Stauffenberg; came close to killing Hitler