Establishing my government

  • The split up

    The United States was having many problems within the states so the president decided to split it up. I was chosen to govern one part.
  • Teaching democracy

    I will be teaching my new citizens about a democracy so that they know what they are going to be apart of. If citizens don't like the democracy idea they can move if they please.
  • Establish laws and citizen rights

    I will begin establishing laws and citizens rights based on any problems we've had and what the citizens feel like the deserve.
  • Citizens move

    After laws and rights were established some citizens decided they didn't want to be apart of a democracy anymore. More than 200,000 citizens left.
  • Rebuilding cities

    Once we had a total number of citizens I started rebuilding cities. We put in schools, public libraries, and parks in each city so that our citizens could have the best life possible.