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Deadly Disease Breakout
A deadly disease has been discovered due to excessive breakouts coming from China. This has spread around the world leaving the majority of Earths population diseased. Few survivors remain. -
Surviving Indivuals Unite
The few people who survive this initial breakout of disease hurry to find safety from those infected. While doing this many find eachother in the same places. -
Groups travel together searching for more remainders,eventually becoming a large group of people. -
Finding Order In Chaos
These people find out that those diseased from this disease, are somehow waking back up in a non-human form. They quickly find safety in abandoned factory buildings. All agreeing, they designate two people to lead the group to avoid conflict or confusion in leadership. -
Evolving Knowledge
Members of this group are now scared and searching for answers. They go out everyday in small groups with weapons finding extra food and water for the rest. In the process of doing this they learn more and more about these creatures that were once humans. They bring this knowledge back to their people. -
Community Concern
These people were gradually fearing for their lives more and more as they were seeing a growing number of creatures near theyre shelter. The community held a meeting. -
Direct Democracy
The community these people established was a direct coorelation from those who went out to find food and such, to the designated leaders. Any suggestion from a member of the community would have a say in the final impact. Change took place by every person working together. This established a system of direct democracy.