ESS Timeline (WG)

  • DDT: 1944-1955

    It is a product that kills pests and helped soldiers during the war. They mostly used it to kill malaria but it caused massive bio-magnification and accumulation which destroyed the ecosystem. The use of DDT prevented malaria.
  • Minimata: 1950-2017

    Bioaccumulation, Biomagnification. Major landmark played role in ecosystem.
    Link to Video :
    Mid 1950 - Industry leader in its field
    1954 - Minamata office got reports of epilepsy
    1957 - University announced that it was toxic disease caused by mercury

    1968 - The factory stopped dumping in the river
    2017 - Convention on mercury was signed
  • The 1999 Gothenburg Protocol

    This protocol sets national emission ceilings for 2010 up to 2020 for four pollutants: Sulfur, Nitrogen Oxides, Volatile Organic Compounds and Ammonia.
  • Millennium Development Goals

    Image result for Millennium development goals de All 191 United Nation's member states at that time, and at least 22 international organizations, committed to help achieve the following Millennium Development goals by 2015. To eradicate extreme poverty and hunger. To achieve universal primary education. To promote gender equality and empower women.
  • Rio Earth Summit and the Agenda 21 document, UNFCC is set

    Earth Summit 20 years after the Rio Earth Summit, UNCC was established. SDG's were replaced by MDG's
  • Sustainable Development Goals

    The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG's)- part of a wider 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development- build on the Millennium Development Goals (MDG's). These eight goals, set by the United Nations back in 2000 to eradicate poverty, hunger, illiteracy and disease, expire at the end of this year.