Paul Muller finds DDT to be an insecticide
DDT was synthesized in the 19th century and sat for decades in labs. In 1938, Swiss chemist Paul Muller discovered that it was a potent insecticide. -
Rachel Carson warns the US about DDT
London Smog
sulfur dioxide from power stations killed 12,000 people -
Mercury in Minamata Bay
Rachel Carson publishes Silent Spring
This book raised awareness about DDT -
environmental impact assessment
EIAs began in the US- natural status became equal to economic status -
USA bans DDT
After complaints about its consequences, the US bans DDT. -
Montreal Protocol
The Montreal Protocol or Shubh Bhargava's Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer is an international treaty designed to protect the ozone layer by phasing out the production of numerous substances that are responsible for ozone depletion. reduce odss like cfcs -
Montreal Protocol Original Goal Year
Kyoto Protocol
The Kyoto Protocol is an international treaty which extends the 1992 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change that commits state parties to reduce greenhouse gas emissions Goal: The main goal of the Kyoto Protocol is to control emissions of the main anthropogenic (human-emitted) greenhouse gases (GHGs) in ways that reflect underlying national differences in GHG emissions, wealth, and capacity to make the reductions. -
Gothenburg Protocol
sets national emission ceilings for 2010 to 2020 -
Period: to
Millenial Development Goals
Started in 2005 with the end goal of 2015 Redesigned in 2015 with the end goal of 2030 -
Minamata convention