ess timeline

By julka
  • 8000 BCE

    Neolithic Agricultural Revolution

    wide scale transition for humans in agriculture
  • Industrial revolution

    Human population rises which results in more goods and raw materials used, therefor more used natural resources and usage of fuels.
    Human population moves to cities
  • Green Revolution

    Production methods advanced, renovation of agricultural practices, with the new varieties requiring large amounts of chemical fertilizers and pesticides
  • Silent Spring

    Silent Spring
    Silent Spring was an influential book which made a case against chemical pollution by documenting the harmful effects of pesticides. This book also led many to become concern of pesticides and pollution.
  • Founding of Greenpeace

    Founding of Greenpeace
    Greenpeace's goal is to ensure the ability of Earth to nurture life in all its diversity.
  • Bhopal disaster

    Major industrial disaster in India, about 45 tons of the toxic gases escaped from a plant causing thousands of deaths
  • Vienna Convenction

    The Convention aimed to promote cooperation among nations by exchanging information on the effects of human activities on the ozone layer. It had significant effect on the protection of the ozone layer
  • Chernobyl Catastrophy

    a nuclear accident that has long-term effects on the environment
  • Copenhagen Accord

    Copenhagen Accord
    The establishment was to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation. It was an important agenda however it failed to agree on limiting greenhouse gas emissions
  • Current Situation

    Scientist all around the world collaborate to find solutions for existing issues including climate change. They research biodiversity loss and other topics to protect the environment