ESS Timeline

By 1harto
  • Leopold writes 'A Sand County Almanac'

    Significance: Concept of 'stewardship' is applied to nature
  • UK's ten National Parks are established

    Significance: Recognition of need to conserve areas
  • The Great Smog of 1952

    Over 4,000 more people died than usual for that time of year with an estimated 8,000 more fatalities in the following weeks from exposure to the noxious air pollution.
    Lead to the British Clean Air Act of 1956
  • First Earth Summit - UN Conference on the Human Environment

    Declaration of UN conference. Action Plan for the Human Environment. Environment Fund Established. Formation of UNEP. Earth Summits planned at 10-year intervals.
  • Montreal Protocol

    Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer
    The Montreal Protocol is an international treaty intent on protecting the ozone layer by phasing out the production of substances responsible for ozone depletion. The main provision was the phasing out of halogenated hydrocarbons (such as CFCs).