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WWII Generated Issues
DDT: Used to regulate malaria for troops, grew in popularity as a super pesticide after the war (SEE SILENT SPRING FOR MORE DETAILS Mercury: -
Rachel Carson Publishes Silent Spring
Criticising DDT
DDT banned and malaria made a resurgence
DDT- synthetic insecticide, killed malaria carrying mosquitos
Became used for every insect pest
According to carson, DDT was causing problems bc of bioaccumulation and biomagnification
People were ingesting food with DDT in it, it was staying in our body
Insects and mosquitoes have developed resistance to DDT and other pesticides
Carson had warned of this, rely on a single insecticide, you get immune insects -
First meeting of 80 countries in Washington, D.C., on the subject of establishing regulations on legal and illegal trade of endangered species in order to protect the biodiversity. Is among the largest conventions in the world. Concerns conservation of species. -
1999 Gothenburg Protocol
Started 1999, to abate acidification, eutrophication, and ground-level ozone. latest update in 2012, emissions ceilings for sulphur, NOxs, VOC and ammonia, goal 2020 -
Millennium Development Goals
Eight MDGs, agreed on by 191 UN countries, including some to ensure environmental sustainability and combat diseases. -
Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants
Environmental treaty signed in 2001, valid from May 2004 on, that had the goal of eliminating/restricting persistent organic pollutants (including pesticides and industrial chemicals) to protect the environment (biodiversity) and human health. -
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Millennium Development Goals
The MDGs were established by the United Nations in 2005, with a target year for implementation of the 8 goals in 2015. -
Sustainable Development Goals
UN Summit in NY to redesign the MDGs to create the 17 SDGs, with a target of 2030. (Agenda 2030) -
COP 21
United Nations Climate Change Conference which resulted in the "Paris Climate Agreement" with the goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions, one of the goals of which was to maintain a warming trend of under 2 degrees C. -
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Sustainable Development Goals
Seventeen goals established by the UN after the MDGs. The target year for complete implementation is 2030.